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Everyone was chattering, and I didn’t know why.
“Pasha.” I called out when I realized she was right beside me.
“What’s happening?”
“Haven’t you noticed that Atomii’s been acting unusual lately?”
“No, I never see him around much.”
“Whenever we join him, he’s always excited.” Berry said from behind Pasha.
“But isn’t that good? That he’s finally happy for once?”
“I don’t know,” said Pasha,”but I have a theory. I think that Mr. Whitty is evil.”
“Why? He just haves outbreaks sometimes!”
“Haves isn’t a word. Anyways, since Mr. Whitty has always been having those outbreaks and weird moments, he’s gotta be affecting Atomii. It’s like a sickness.”
“Yeah, but anyways isn’t a word either. Also that doesn’t make Mr. Whitty evil.”
Pasha opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again.
“If Mr. Whitty does have a sickness, then how are we supposed to help him?” Asked Berry. “We don’t know what the sickness is, who could have it, how to protect ourselves from it…”
“Don’t worry, we can find a way how!” I answered. “Ooh, could we be a secret team and have a cool secret team name?”
“‘Way how’ isn’t grammatically correct.”
“Yes it is!”
“Forget it. But yeah, we can have a cool name if we all agree.”
“I disagree.” said the ride-rabbit. “We don’t need a name to be cool.”
“Okay on second thought, I change my mind.”
“That isn’t correct either.”
“But still, I just can’t think of any good name ideas for us.”
“Okay then We’re a squad left with no name.” Pasha said. “Wait a sec, how about the nameless squad?”
“Yeah! Nameless Squad!”
“Okay, that’s actually a good name.” Responds Berry.
“But then again, how do we know if Whitty is sick?” I asked.
“We’ll just have to ask. And if he doesn’t answer, we’ll find out somehow.

“Ms. Hooter! Ms. Hooter!”
“What is clothes shopping?” I asked her.
I wanted to know because someone said it to me once and I never knew what it ment.
“Well, it’s costumes, but you’ll have to buy them with money.”
“How do I get money?”
Ms. Hooter sighed. “I don’t know.”
I thought Ms. Hooter knew everything, but this time, she didn’t know how to answer this question.
“No one really knows how to get money. Try asking Mr. Whitty, he won’t know. Well, don’t actually try, you’ll just get the answer that I just told you.”
“Oh, also, is Mr. Whitty sick?”
“Uhh, yes. Kind of.”
“What do you mean?”
“We don’t actually know if Mr. Whitty is sick or, uh, not, but I assume so since the way he’s been acting is weird.”
“Ms. Hooter, I thought you knew everything.”
“Oh, you can’t know everything, Blacky. Teachers don’t know everything. Not even the world’s smartest person knows everything. But what we do know is a gift, a gift that tells us that at least we knew something that could help us one day.”
“Woah. You really are the smartest teacher, Ms. Hooter.”
“Heh. I’m self taught.”
“How’s it going?” Mr. Whitty and Atomii called us from below the stairs.
“Mr. Whitty! Are you friends with Atomii now?”
“Yeah! He’s been really energetic these days. All after giving him a little candy.”
“Ooh! Can I have some too?”
“Sorry kiddo, I don’t have any on me right now.”
“I feel like I’m ready to open every single happy meal at mcdonalds!” Atomii said.
“Woah, don’t go too crazy there.”
So this whole time, Mr. Whitty was just giving Atomii candy? How could candy make someone like this? Maybe since Mr. Whitty is a bomb, it has a different effect on him?
I don’t understand.
Maybe I should tell the Nameless Squad about this.
When Mr. Whitty and Atomii left the room, Ms. Hooter spoke.
“May I join your little secret squad?” She asked.
“Yeah! I’ll let you in next time.”
“Oh, also, can I give you a little secret?”
“What is it?” I asked.
“Since Dramy has been here for a long time, he said he’s gonna join us all!”
“Yeah! I can’t wait!”
It’s going to be so exciting! A new member of our little class!
But I wonder how the candy would work on me. Would I be disgusted? Surprised? Would I be angry like Whitty? Or would I be energetic like Atomii?
“Hey, Ms. Hooter, do you know what the candy that Mr. Whitty’s talking about?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“What does it actually do?”
“Well, it finds your weakness and makes it better! But you better not eat too much, or maybe you’ll end up like Mr. Whitty.”
“Is he mad because he eats too much of the candy?”
“Yeah. Too much of anything is bad for you. But too little can also be bad, too.”
“What would happen if I ate the candy?”
“I don’t know. My guess is that you’d probably not ask any more questions and know the answers already.”
“I can’t guarantee that, though. It might also be something else. Either way, it’ll make you better as long as you don’t eat too many.”
“What did it help Mr. Whitty with?”
“You know, Mr. Whitty used to be sad all the time. He was always being chased by scientists and stuff. He once even had to sing for his life. He was stressed out from all of that. So he made a wish and ate the candy.”
“What was the wish?”
“To not be able to worry anymore. He’d never be able to feel sad. He’d never even remember his past.”
“Well, if he’s happy, then I’m happy.”

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