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“Invisible man, stop that!”
Blacky and I were playing in the kitchen game while Invisible man was taking all our stuff.
“I need the food for my collection.” said the Invisible Man.
“Are you making a pile of food in the corner again?” I asked him.
“No.” He said as I was cooking some bread on the stove.
“Pasha, that goes in the oven.”
“Oh right!” I took the bread off the stove and placed it into an oven. “Anyway, I was wondering why you chose an Among Us character to be your costume?”
Blacky didn’t answer for a moment.
“Sorry, what?”
“Why did you choose to be an Among Us character?”
“Because I like them.”
“He’s stealing your bread.”
“Ooh look at this free bread!”
“Don’t you dare!” I turned around and said to the invisible man.
I grabbed the bread out of the oven before he could.
But as I did, a stranger teleported to the kitchen.
I screamed and ran over to the counter.
“What?” Asked the mysterious person.
Blacky ran over to me. “What should we do, Pash?”
I slowly walked back toward it. “Hi…”
“Hi.” Said the person.
This new person had a mask, blonde hair, and a green shirt. I was scared, since Ms. Hooter told us not to talk to strangers unless she said so.
“Pasha what are you doing?”
“You told me to do something?”
“What are you two talking about?” Asked the mask man.
“I don’t know, uhh…” I looked above him to see his name. “...Dramy.”
“Oh, you can just call me Kai. I made that name when I was, like, 10.”
“You walk weirdly.” Said the invisible man.
“Yeah. Doesn’t everybody have their hands up while walking?”
“No, that’s because I’m on a computer.”
“Oh… Okay.”
I didn’t understand that, and no one else did either. Invisible man took the toast from me.
“Hey, give that back!”
“GRILLED CHEESE!” He yelled, putting the toast and the cheese he had together.
“Now I have to make another toast for my sandwich!”
“But grilled cheese!” Invisible man said again.
“Uh, so anyway,” said Kai, “what are your favorite games here?”
“I like the sky camping thing.” I said.
“Among Us!” Blacky excitedly said.
“Anything with people in it.” Said Invisible Man.
“Interesting. I’ll make sure to play those.”
“You’re new around here, right?” I asked him.
“Not really. I played many games around here.”
“Which ones do you like?”
“Murder 4, Cozy Apartment, uh… McDonalds.”
“Maybe you could be invited to our class!” Blacky said, excited as always.
“Yeah! Ms. Hooter has a class we all have together. We’re not doing anything right now, but wanna see Ms. Hooter?”
“Sure.” Kai answered. “Just friend me.”
I pulled out my menu, pointed to Kai, and pressed the option to add him as a friend. Within a few seconds, he accepted it.
“Follow me, okay?” Blacky pulled out his menu and teleported to Ms. Hooter’s home.
I did the exact same thing and teleported away.

“Ms Hooter! Ms. Hooter!”
Classic Blacky. Always calling her name twice.
Us three were walking over to Ms. Hooter.
“Ms. Hooter, we found someone we’d like you to meet!”
Ms. Hooter, who was on the couch having some hot cocoa, turned around and saw Kai.
“This is Dramy!”
“My name’s Kai.”
“Oh, well hello there!” Ms. Hooter said to Kai.
“I thought you’d be mad at us for talking to strangers.” I said to Ms. Hooter.
“Well, we don’t need to talk to strangers, yes, but sometimes we do so we could have more friends! But most of the people here are… weird.”
“So, what is this ‘class’ your friends are telling me about?” Asked the guy with a mask.
“Well, every day we go to a new place! And sometimes we go to the same place, too. We just like to do whatever we want all day, and sometimes we all gather together for an activity.”
“Sounds cool. Who else is in your group?”
“We have lots of different people.” said Blacky. “We have Atomii, Berry, Mr. Whitty and-”
Mr. Whitty and Sarvonyx walked down the stairs. “Did someone call us?”
“Mr. Whitty! Sarvonyx!” Me, Blacky, and Ms. Hooter all said at the same time.
“Who’s this new guy? He looks sharp!”
Sarvonyx waved at Kai.
“His name is Kai!” I said before Blacky could say anything.
“Oh right, Sarvonyx is mute.”
“Aww. That’s kinda sad, isn’t it?”
Sarv nodded.
Kai talked, but it somehow sounded like a beeping sound.
“Oh, I gotta go. Maybe I could join one of your little classes one day?”
“You can join anytime!” Mr. Whitty explained to him.
“This class seems enthusiastic. Well, I’ll make sure to drop by one day.” He opened his menu. “See ya!”
Kai was gone.
“Where did he go?” Blacky asked Ms. Hooter.
“Don’t worry about it. Come on.”
I checked my friends menu. It was a thing to show who was doing what. No matter what, everyone was online.
But it didn’t say that Kai was online…
I gotta tell Blacky about this. About a question I had.
What happened to him?

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