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Sunday went very quick. Sarvonyx and Mr. Whitty told me about what religion was. Kai finally joined the class, and I spent time with Blacky and Atomii at a pool. But now, it was Monday. It was time for Christmas.
“Ms. Hooter? Why were some of the places not decorated for Christmas?” I asked during the Christmas party.
“Because,” She said, “Not everyone celebrates it. And not everyone wants to do the work of changing things. They want to be respectful.”
Everyone, even Dramy, was at the christmas party. Instead of Ms. Hooter’s cabin, we were all inside an apartment where it was snowing on the rooftop. Ms. Hooter made us all go by the TV and asked us,
“Should we watch a movie or read a book?”
Most of us spoke at the same time.
“Now, now.” Mr. Whitty said. “Raise your hand if you want to watch a movie.”
I raised my hand.
“Now raise your hand if you want to read a book.”
I put my hand back down.
“Since there were more hands for a movie, we are going to watch a movie!”
“Can we watch the one with the reindeer again?” Blacky asked.
“Not today, Blacky. Today we’re watching a movie called The Polar Express.”
I’ve watched The Polar Express with Atomii before, but I wanted to see how everyone else liked it!
“Oh, and Atomii, we’d like to speak with you privately.”
Atomii stood up. “Where should we go?”
“Up onto the roof.”
Mr. Whitty started putting on the movie. “I’ll be there soon, don’t worry.”

“Alright everyone! Time for presents!” Mr. Whitty called.
“Presents!” I could tell Blacky was excited.
“Where’s Dramy?” I asked.
“Probably out doing something.” Said Ms. Hooter. “Don’t worry though, we let him.”
I checked the friends list in the menu. Offline again.
Atomii slid by the tree, looking excited, while I walked and sat down. Then came Sarvonyx, holding a plush bear. Berry and Blacky sat by the tree while last but not least, Invisible Man sat by everyone else.
“Who wants to go first?” Asked Ms. Hooter, flying on top of Mr. Whitty’s head.
Blacky and Berry looked at each other. They both said it at the same time.
“How about Berry?” I said.
“I’ll let Berry go first.” Blacky said. Still wanting to go first, I bet.
Ms. Hooter gave a present to Berry. He opened it.
“It’s two a costume!”
Berry put on the costume. It was the same rabbit on a robot, but the robot was green, and it had a bowtie.
“Could I have the next present, Ms. Hooter?” Blacky asked.
“We’re saving the best for last.” Ms. Hooter responded. “Sarv, would you like to go next?”
Sarv nodded. Ms. Hooter threw her a present.
When Sarv opened the present, it was another costume.
“Are we all getting costumes?” I asked.
“Maybe.” Mr. Whitty answered.
Sarvonyx’s costume was the same costume, except now she had a little sign board on her forearm. She can use it as a shield.
“Open your menu and go to poses.”
Sarv did exactly as Ms. Hooter said. She pressed something, and her sign board changed! She showed it to everyone. It said “hello”.
“Now she could talk with us!” Atomii said, excitedly.
That wasn’t usual for Atomii, but I’m glad he’s happy.

Atomii got new wings on his character, Invisible man got non-invisible chopsticks that he could summon, Mr. Whitty got a costume he named “Cakepop”, and I got a cool witch hat. Now it was Blacky’s turn no open his present.
“Wait, before you give me the present…”
Blacky ran over to behind the alligator tank and grabbed a piece of paper.
“I made this for you!”
I saw the drawing as he gave it to Ms. Hooter. It looked like all of us together.
“Aww, thanks Blacky!”
“You’re welcome.”
Ms. Hooter threw a present at Blacky. He caught it and opened it right away.
“Hey! It has a sign board! Just like Sarv’s!”
Blacky made a “hi” appear on his board.
“Hold out your hands like you’re giving a thumbs-up.” Said Ms. Hooter.
Blacky did as she said. A teaching stick with a little hand on it appeared in his hand!
“That’s so cool! It’s like Mr. Whitty’s microphone!”
“With that costume, you’re going to be an excellent teacher!”
“Alright everyone, free-time for the rest of the day! You all are probably tired from sitting down so long.”
We all got up from the floor. I didn’t know what to play next, so I asked Sarv what she’s going to play.
“Where should we go?” I ask her.
Sarvonyx was using the sign board like a keyboard. She showed me the sign board. It said, “Sky camping!”
“Sounds like a great idea! Let’s go!”

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