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“Umm, Ms. Hooter?” I asked while Ms. Hooter was doing something in the pillow room.
“Do you know the thing where it says if someone is online or not?”
“Yeah, I know that. What about it?”
“We’re all supposed to be online. All the time. And Dramy’s just… gone.”
“Oh. Well, that’s because he’s different than us.”
“Yeah. He’s like Invisible Man. He could look like he’s offline while really, he’s online. Only certain special people can do this.”
“Woah, that’s cool!”
“Yep! I don’t think we can do it, but it’s pretty cool how others can.”
I yawned. It seemed to be night outside the window-door.
“I had a great time playing all day in Portal, and Among Us, and the cooking game.”
“Oh, you and the cooking game. From what I know you’re amazing at that.”
“Yeah, I really am! But Invisible Man stole Pasha’s toast.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll both get him back one day. Whenever that is.”
Ms. Hooter flew up to the little space we called the balcony. It wasn’t a real balcony because it was inside the cabin.
I yawned again. “What do we have planned for tomorrow?” I asked.
“There’ll be free days for Saturday and Sunday. We’re going to do something special Monday.”
“What is it?” I wanted to know so badly.
Ms. Hooter giggled. “You’ll see. Now, you should be going to sleep. It’s a little late.”
I made a pillow bed in the pillow room and laid down. Ms. Hooter began to sing to me.
“Talking to the trees of the cobweb strange,
Sleeping on the steps of a fountain,
Waving silver wands to the night-bird's song,
Waiting for the sun on the mountain.
“Good night.” Ms. Hooter said, and closed the door as she went out.

I woke up. I stood up and saw everyone else sleeping on their pillows. But Ms. Hooter was nowhere to be found. Wonder where she could be.
I checked the friends thing that Pasha told me about. Dramy still wasn’t there, but I checked on Ms. Hooter. It said she was in a hotel place. I was about to say something out loud, but then stopped myself because I remembered everyone was sleeping. I joined Ms. Hooter’s world.

The hotel was a very big and detailed hotel. It even had an elevator, but it didn’t work.
I tried looking for Ms. Hooter here, and it turns out she was outside, sitting on the sidewalk.
“Oh, Blacky!” She noticed I was here. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see what you were up to.”
“I was looking at this furry hotel. It’s a pretty nice place, and the people here are usually very nice.”
“But there’s no one here.”
“I just wanted to look at the hotel. The hotel is one thing, the people are another.”
“And uh, Invisible Man told me furries were bad?”
“Oh Invisible man, always not liking anyone.” Ms. Hooter stood up. “Not all furries are bad. Just like not all owls are bad or not all Dream stans are bad or.. You get the point.”
“What’s a Dream stan?”
“That’s what Dramy is. Anyway, who you want to be or who you are doesn’t define you as good or bad or evil or nice. I mean, Pasha’s a protogen, which is a type of furry. She isn’t mean to us, right?”
“Sometimes, the truly evil ones are the ones who don’t try. Try as in, try to like people. Try as in try not to think of people by their stereotypes. People bother other people every day just because of who they are.”
“Ms. Hooter, sometimes people bother me because I like Among Us.”
“And Among Us is one of your favorite things. Don’t let other people hate on you for what you like. Just be whoever you want to be. Sorry for turning this into a lecture or something-”
“No, no! I love learning from you, Ms. Hooter!”
“Heh heh. You really do.”

Sarvonyx, Berry, and I were playing Murder, which is a game where you either find clues, murder people, or shoot the murderer.
I was the detective, and I was trying to find Sarv. She’s usually the one to be innocent.
We both met up in the pool table room.
“Do you know where the murderer is?” I asked her.
She nodded.
“Where is he?”
She gave me a signal to follow her. We both carefully walked through the place until we found a random person with a green costume that looked like a toothbrush. This was outside, in the backyard.
Sarv pointed at the toothbrush and I quickly pointed my gun at him.
“Hey! It’s not me, okay?”
“I don’t trust you!”
I shot at him. The gun fell from my hands.
“What? But it was him!”
If you shoot the wrong person in this game, you won’t be able to pick up the gun anymore.
Sarv signaled for me to stay here. She ran out of the room.
I better find Berry.
I ran upstairs and into the detective room. Berry came from the hallway.
“Hey! Are you murderer?” He asked.
“No.” I said.
Sarvonyx came from the hallway too.
“Are you the murderer?”
Sarvonyx did the hand signal we always did if we were a murderer.
“Great, I lost my gun for nothing!” I complained.
“Is there anyone else left but us?” Berry asked.
“Alright, which one of you three is the imposter?”
Behind all of us was a black cat (or something, I don’t know) with a skull helmet holding a gun.
“It’s none of us!” I said to the cat.
“There’s only four of us left, and I have the gun. It could be any one of you three.”
“Actually, I’m the detective. I just shot the wrong person.”
“What proof do you have?”
“I shot the guy in the backyard.”
“I don’t believe you.”
And at this moment, somehow, Berry thought it was a good idea to say:
“It isn’t letting me pick up knives.”
The bone-cat quickly shot Berry. The gun fell through his hands.
“WHAT?” He asked.
“Sarv, Run!”
Sarv ran into the bathroom. Luckily, a knife was there. She quickly stabbed the bone-cat.
“Alright, Sarv. Go ahead.”
Sarv stabbed me. I teleported back to the lobby with everyone else.
“They’re teaming!” yelled the bone-cat.
“Just let them. They’re kids.” Said one of the people in the lobby.
The bone-cat got angry and left the game.
“That was amazing!” Berry told me, walking up to me with Sarv.
“Yeah! Sarv, how did you kill everyone?”
Sarvonyx shrugged.
“We should do this again!”

“So then this bone-cat came up to us and was like, ‘Which one of you is the imposter?’ and Berry said, ‘It’s me!” So he shooted Berry, but it actually wasn’t him, and we won the game!”
“That sounds great! I like how you all worked together.” Pasha said.
“Yeah! And the bone-cat was mad, so mad that he left the game!”
“Haha! You know, you’re so clever, Blacky.” She complimented me.
“Uhh, yeah! I really am!”
“We should play Town Of Salem sometime.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s like Murder and Among Us, but better.”
“Yeah! We should!”
“What’s this I hear about Town Of Salem?” Mr. Whitty said as he walked behind the couch.
“Oh, I found it! It’s a game that we could all play one day, maybe on that special day Ms. Hooter was talking about!” Pasha was talking with him.
“Town Of Salem’s a pretty cool game.”
I noticed that Mr. Whitty’s pupils were changing shape fastly. Pasha did, too.
“Mr. Whitty, are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just that I’m happy to see you guys. I wanna tell you guys something.”
Mr. Whitty’s eyes went back to normal.
“What were we talking about again?”
“You wanted to say something to us?” I asked him.
“Oh right! I wanted to say that you two are amazing students. Ooh, I have an idea. Maybe if we all find one game we like to play, then we could all play them when it’s Christmasti-”
Mr. Whitty covered his mouth with his hand.
“Darn it, I ruined the surprise!”
“Don’t worry Mr. Whitty, we won’t tell anyone!” I said to him.
He sighed with relief. “That’s good. Now I’m going to tell Ms. Hooter about the idea. See ya!”

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