pt. 4

481 9 2

(y/n pov)

i woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon in the room. "what-?"

i squinted tightly, someone had opened the blinds and it was way too early to be letting the light in like this.

i groaned, rubbing my eyes and now painfully aware of how bad my hair was after sleeping.

"hey, youre up." daniel said, walking over with a cup of coffee. "cream, sugar?" he asked, holding out small cups of cream and packets of sugar.

i grabbed all the packets of cream and sugar and dumped them into my cup.

"cmon that's barely even coffee anymore." daniel said, throwing up a hand.

"whatever." i grumbled, taking a sip of the mix. "its still so bitter." i said.

i walked over to the room service cart and grabbed more sugars and creams.

i heard a high pitched stiffled laugh come from across the hall.

apparently daniel thought itd be a good idea to open our room door.

there stood the one and only, lando norris. he was being pulled away by someone else.

'great.' i thought to myself.

i saw them run by again, and to no surprise lando was with george.

"close the door." i grumbled to daniel.

"cant do that y/n." he replied.

"what?" i took another sip of my coffee.

"they took the door." he bit into a piece of bacon.

"what." i set my coffee down and examined the door frame.

those little shits.

"whered you put the door!" i hollered down the hallway.

"you have to find it!" george yelled back. lando hid behind him.

"where. is. the door." i said, walking down the hallway slowly.

"we took it." lando said.

"thanks for the clue, sherlock. seriously, wheres the door." george and lando gave each other knowing looks.

"its in charles' room." lando said under his breath.

"charles!" i yelled.

"you guys told her?" i heard a muffled voice yell from down the hall.

"yes they did."

i stalked down the hall to his room and opened his door. "give it to me."

he sat in shock for a moment before laughing and getting the door from the bathroom.

"thank you." i said, carrying the door down the hallway.

"ah! you got it!" daniel said, taking a sip of his coffee.


on track, 7:57 am
(btw idk what time they get to the track im just making this up)

"how are you feeling about free practice today," daniel asked.

"uh, good, good," i said, trying to hide my nervousness.

"yeah, that sure sounded convincing," he smiled at me and playfully punched my shoulder.

i punched him back and he stumbled to the side a little bit.

"oh- sorry," i grimaced.

he laughed and quickly regained his footing. "i didnt know you had that in you,"

"theres a lot of things you dont know,"

"ooh, mysterious," he said, mimicking ghosts with his hands.

"shut up," i smiled at him.

we did our track walk and made our way back to the garage.

"i love this car," i said breathlessly. the shiny yellow body was beautiful.

"cant wait to pass you on track during the race, ill get a real good veiw," daniel joked.

"you? passing me?" i scoffed.

"you think youre out placing me this weekend?" he asked.

"out qualifing and out placing you,"

"youre pretty cocky hey?"

"i guess even a couple days with you all has some effect on me," i peeked at daniel for a reaction.

he held back a smile and poked his cheek with his tongue.

we continued the morning as normal, getting ready for free practice.

i got into my suit and looked in the mirror.

living ny dream.

"looks great," daniel said. he was leaned against a counter staring at me.

"holy shit! how long were you standing there?"

"long enough to see that look on your face," he shifted his weight to his other foot.

"okay now whats that supposed to mean?"

"you look uncomfortable, disappointed and frankly you look nothing like you did this morning," he said. "happy, enthusiastic, even if you were cocky, it was better than this,"

"that's awfully insightful for someone whos known me for approximately 50 hours," i responded.

"yeah, fair enough," he said. "you still dont look comfortable, whats wrong?"

"apart from this being my first time in an f1 car for the world to see?" i let out a small laugh, trying to relieve some of the stress i was holding.

"if there's something, there's something and if theres not, theres not," daniel replied.

"i feel... outed," i said. he gave me a confused expression. "youre never going to have felt this because youre a charismatic man who races in a charismatic mans sport," i got out quickly.

"well im sure-"

"no, its not like first day jitters or whatever shit youre going to say," i quickly covered my mouth. "i am so sorry that sounded mean i-"

"no, you're completely right, i probably dont get it," he said.

"i feel like i dont belong here, i mean look at me for gods sake!" i said. "nervous wreck of a girl getting into a sport women haven't been in in 25 years,"

daniel sat and nodded, not interrupting me.

"i haven't put on my helmet yet and i dont know how-"

daniel held up my helmet and shook it.

"then try it on. right now," he said.

i took the helmet from him and took a deep breath. i pulled it over my hair and saw the part of me that i was most worried about washed away.

i looked like everyone else.

"i wouldn't be able to tell you apart from anybody else on track with that on," daniel said.

the tension in my shoulders relaxed and i took the helmet off.

"thank you," i said.

"for what?" daniel asked.

"for making me see myself,"

word count - 984

- ur local canadian fanfic writer <333

newbie // daniel ricciardo x reader Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum