pt. 7

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we walked back to the hotel, it was dark and the streets glowed under the street lights.

"are you excited for qualifying tomorrow?" daniel asked.

i laughed, tucking my hands into my pockets. "excited, nervous, totally fucking terrified?"

"ah yes, newbie jitters," daniel said passively.

"wow, im reduced to newbie and not rookie?"

"fine, rookie jitters," he laughed.

"i mean, its my first race, so for starters im extremely nervous, plus all the pressure of this," i motioned to my self, my clothes and body and hair.

"totally, but youre going to do awesome, did you see your practice times?"

"yeah, but it was still only 6th,"

"i was only 5th!" daniel responded. "your first race if your rookie season and you've got that kind of pace? youre a future legend y/n,"

i blushed, shrinking in my shirt and trying to repress a smile.

"someones flustered," daniel remarked.

"i mean, you just said i was a future legend thats kind of a big thing to say," i half laughed my way through the sentence.

"and i meant every word,"

i looked up at him, his curls slightly messy on his head as he walked.

"thanks," i said quietly.

"no need to thank me, because its true,"

"whyre you so nice to me?" i asked, shaking my head at him.

"i- well im not 'so nice', im just friendly. and honest," he said.

"no, youre nice, trust me," i said.

he kinda scoffed, rolling his eyes at me but smiling down just the same.

"alright, then youre a giant meanie who i hate," i said.

"okay, thats not fair,"

"if youre not nice then,"

he cut me off.

"im nice to you because it would crush me to be mean to you, and quite frankly i like you a lot," he said.

"i knew it!" i said, watching his face flush and his avoidance of eye contact. "well, for the record youre not so bad yourself,"

he smiled absentmindedly.

"we should get back to the hotel," i said, looking at my phone.

"yeah," he said, not sounding very convinced.

"what?" i asked.

"i feel like our night isnt over,"

"we could rent a movie drink some beer and eat a cake at the hotel if you want?"

his smirk grew and he scoffed a little bit. "you're perfect," he breathed.

"huh?" i asked with a small smile threatening my face.

"nothing, nothing,"
word count- 402

hey 😟 im back guys, volleyball is over and i finally have time to write things, so heres a chapter! its kinda crappy anf means nothing but it's something 😭🦶

- ur local canadian fanfic writer <333

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