pt. 8

404 11 3

quali day.

i woke up excited to the sound of the overly obnoxious alarm clock.

it felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, not out of nervousness though.

i had thought about what daniel had said to me, and it made me feel exhilarated.

today decided it.

at least for now.

daniel turned off the alarm.

"good morning sunshine," he said, mocking my attitude.

"it is a good morning," i beamed.

i threw the blanket from my legs and i felt as though i was floating, my legs carrying me with ease.

daniel watched on with a half smile on his face, still groggy from sleep.

"im gonna start getting ready!" i said around the corner of the wall to the bathroom.

"yeah, probably a good idea," he said back.

i could hear him moving around, slowly and heavily on the floor.

its hard to think daniel ricciardo would ever be so lacking in energy.

i started brushing my teeth, i stared down the drain thinking of possibilities for the sessions. what if i dont make it to q2? what if i dont make it to q3? what if i qualify above daniel?

i was so focused on my thoughts that i didnt notice daniel come in.

he moved past me from behind, drifting his hands over my waist and his hips brushing my ass in the process.

my knees nearly went weak and i quickly shut off the water i apparently had been running before standing up quickly.

daniel knew.

he looked at me through the mirror and grinned, trying to act as innocent as ever as he grabbed for his deodorant.

"you could have just asked for it yknow?" i told him, face still flushed red.

"i could have, but thats much less fun," he said, hand finding my waist before sliding away again as he grabbed his own toothbrush and booted me out of the room. "you take so long in here, i hope youre not like this all the time," he said, nonchelant as ever.

i huffed out of the room, dizzy from the encounter.

i got dressed, putting on my favorite casual outfit and a little renault pin they made for me.

"daniel, cmon lets go!" i hollered, throwing some stuff into my bag and checking for our passes. his footsteps came towards me with a different kind of noise.

they were slow, deliberate, and it was so agonizingly clear that he was starring at me.

i turned to him, his hands were in his pockets and he was looking down at me. "what is it?" i asked.

"youre gonna make me go crazy..." he mumbled.

"what?" i asked back, unwilling to accept the clear path this will follow.

i mean, who wouldn't fall for him? hes daniel ricciardo.
word count - 467

ahh! hi lovelies!! sorry for not updating recently, school has been pretty hard but im finally on winter break and i get to write now! hope you enjoy!!

- ur local canadian fanfic writer <333

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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