pt. 6

431 9 0

(y/n pov)

we went back up to the room and changed into some day clothes.

i brought my favorite t-shirt and jeans.

they were both baggy and i looked fantastic.

you couldnt tell me apart from your average skater boy.

i pulled my hair out of my face and threw on some runners to match my top.

"you ready?" daniel asked.

"mhm," i closed the door and locked it.

"huh," he said.


"ive never seen you in regular clothes," he remarked.

"and whats so special about it?"

"nothing, i just thought you wouldnt dress like a 12 year old boy,"

"okay that snarky comment will definitely get you out placed tomorrow," i said, smiling.

we walked to the lobby and down the low lit street.

"so you said chinese food?" i asked.

"thats what i was thinking but its whatever you want,"

i nodded and soon enough we found the little chinese place that daniel said was recommended to him.

he pulled the door open for me and i fake curtsied to him.

we entered the small restaurant to find we were one of 2 groups there, the other of some elderly ladies playing mahjong.

we sat down at a table in the corner and a young lady came by to take our orders.

she left to the kitchen and came back with our waters.

daniel took a sip and looked around.

"its nice to be the only people in a restaurant sometimes," he said.

"hey! don't disrespect someone's grandma like that," i responded.

"alright, alright, being in an almost empty restaurant," he corrected himself.

our waitress came back out with our food, plates much bigger than i expected.

"woah," daniel remarked.

"im so ready,"

i took a couple pieces and looked up at daniel still overwhelmed with the selection.

"what? do we need to invite other people to come eat or?" i asked.

"no, its just a lot,"

"then dont eat it all,"

he shrugged in agreement and started in on the food.

we talked and ate for a couple hours, laughing quietly to avoid interrupting the other people in the restaurant.

"its getting close to 7, maybe we should get going," i suggested.

"we cant go back to the hotel yet," daniel retorted.

i nodded and picked at more of our food, which was almost gone.

"i heard theres a nice river here, not too far either," i said.

"its definitely nice," he said.

we packed up our leftovers and stuck them in a bag, making our way to the dark streets.

he started walking instantly, his strides much longer than mine.

"slow down, jesus christ," i mumbled.

he laughed and stopped for me to catch up.

"so, tell me about yourself," daniel asked me.

"uh, well, i started karting when i was 6, i got into f3 at 17, f2 at 20, and f1 at 24. i have (number) siblings, my favorite colour is (colour), im a (your zodiac)," i looked up at him for any indication that this was enough.

"go on," he said.

"really? you really want to know everything about me?" i was half joking but he was dead serious.

"if youre willing to share,"

"alright," i took a breath. "im (your height), i chew my nails, i grew up in (your hometown), um i also play (sport), my favourite movie is (movie), i hate slow walkers, loud chewers and mouth breathers, i-" i stopped mid sentence, noticing the small smile in daniels face. "what is it?" i asked.

"nothing, youre just so nice to listen to," he said.

"youre a good listener," i said, a warm smile growing on my face and an instantly recognizable feeling filling my stomach.

i had a crush.
word count - 623

- ur local canadian fanfic writer <333

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