Holding on

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Remember 9 bölüm? A little OS from that episode. 

What a coincidence, a shooting star. Eda Yildiz. She made your wish come true without you knowing.

Seyfi's words kept ringing in Serkan's ears, and the flashes from the tape kept playing over and over in his mind. Eda, even if it was for a moment, she was able to bring his mother out of a closeted past. The past that drained out all the strength from the Bolats... all the hope that something would ever go right in their lives.

Eda came through in their life as the little bright light at the end of the tunnel, the one that gives hope.

Serkan was overwhelmed. His eyes were brimming with tears, refusing to fall out and end the misery he was feeling. He had been very unfair to Eda all this while.

Will she ever forgive him? Serkan thought.

He picked up his phone and in an unhinged desire to hear Eda's voice, he dialed her number.

Eda picked up on the seventh ring, "efendim Serkan?"

And there was a pause. He didn't know what to say. All he wanted was to listen her speaking in her usual enrapturing voice, narrating about daily routines like they were the most legendary events to happen on Earth. She was like that, always so thrilled about the simplest things in life.

But this time there was nothing from the other side. Just silence.

He wanted to say so much, thank her for everything she has done for him, yet his mouth failed to form words that wanted to desperately leave the clutches of his mind.

"Serkan, bir şey söyleyecek misin?" Eda finally said.

She sounded different. He could sense a mix of pain, agitation and numbness in her voice. And just like that, his worst fears came true... she is tired of him. The realization formed new tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Serkan sen iyimisin?" Eda asked, sensing uneasiness in his usual silence.

"Eda I am leaving, do you need anything else?" Serkan recognized the voice as Leyla's.

"Yok canim, I'll soon have everything wrapped up, thanks for the help" Eda replied to her.

"Are you at the office?" Serkan finally spoke.


"Why? It's late Eda"

"I know, but Idil hanim informed me about some problems in the Port project. Files were in the office, so I came here to make the changes."

"You could have done it tomorrow"

"I didn't wanted to leave this work for my last day"

Last day. It started dawning on him that she is about to leave.

"Peki, tamam" Serkan ended the call.

She is leaving.

Eda put her phone down, closed her eyes and heaved a huge heavy sigh. This wasn't the end she was expecting to 'The Bolat' chapter in her life, not after the moments they spent together.

The past few days have been extremely difficult for her. Ayfer hala's words tormented her. It was happening, Eda could sense it. She had started liking Serkan's presence in her life and before it could grow into something more, something out of her reach, she decided to put some distance between them.

But the truth that Serkan didn't trust her broke her even more. It also brought her to reality that she was never so important for him. If she was, he wouldn't have humiliated her in front of everyone, for the mistake she never did; he would have talked about his misunderstanding and would have at least apologized to her in the mountain house. But he didn't. And it was only right if it ended right away.

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