Chapter 48: Just Call Me Negan

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"You stay here with her, I'll go." you get up, placing a hand on Morgan's head.

"The hell I will! You don't know what trouble she's in, she needs both of us." Negan protests.

"Someone needs to stay with Morgan, Negan. We don't have time to argue! Just-- Just stay here." you run toward the side of the building that Axel went to before Negan could say anything.

"Hey! Dammit.." you hear Negan call behind you.

As you reach the side of the building you see Axel trying to kick a steel door open. A sigh of relief falls from your mouth as you kneel, sliding your body down off of the roof and landing on your feet.

"You might want to stop that before you bring hell on us." you whisper to Axel.

She stops kicking, catching her breath before turning to you.

"I heard something in there." she says between breaths.

"Well, you can't kick it down.." you place your hand on the doorknob.

"Why not? I've seen people do it."

"Axe, it's a pull door." you laugh, pulling the door open to show the dark inside.

Axel stares for a second, looking between you and the door. She walks over to the door.

"Pull door,  got it." she whispers before sticking her head into the darkness.

"Anybody home?" she asks into the dark.

You and her let minutes pass, not hearing a sound. Axel steps in, taking a little flashlight out of her pocket. You keep the door open watching for any stragglers that may see you.

"There's nothing in here, I don't know what I heard." she says, "But there is a way out."

"Then let's get the hell out of here." Negan's voice says, startling you and Axel as you look up and see Morgan and Negan staring at you.

"Jesus Christ.." you breathe, putting a hand on your heart while Axel helps Morgan get off the roof.

As she gets her down, they walk into the building together. You hold the door and wait for Negan to get down.

He slides off the roof, landing on his feet.

" You can just call me Negan."

You look at him, mocking a laugh as he smiles at you. You push him inside the building and shut the door behind you.

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