Chapter 19: Late Night Tears

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You lay your back against the wall as you sit on your bed, throwing your head back and shutting your eyes. All the drama was finally getting to your head. Some psycho kills your bestfriend and is threatening your family, yet that same psycho has become someone who you find comfort in. Then, you find out your mom moved to some rundown house in the middle of the woods. Now, Negan is probably going to have Simon take you down to laundry or make you scrub the floors on your hands and knees all because you wanted to keep a baby safe.

The door suddenly creaks open, a pair of boots making their way in, then slams shut. You know its Negan: probably wearing a smile. You keep your eyes closed, feeling your bed sink in by your feet.

"Told you this wasn't over." Negan starts, placing his gloved hand on top of your bent knee.

Your eyes stay shut.

"What do you want, Negan?" you say as steady as possible.

Negan squeezes your knee gently.

"What you did back there: I make the rules here, I say who comes and go's. You can't disrespect that." 

You scoff.

"They had a baby with them."

"That baby is another mouth to feed, and a helluva picky eater."

You open your eyes, looking at him.

"Fuck you, Negan."

He scoffs, tilting his head.

"The hell's your deal? I-"

"I want to go back to Alexandria. I need to see Rick." you interrupt without another thought, looking at him again.

The two of you stare at one another for a minute, and its almost like you can see the gears in his head turning. Suddenly, he smiles

"Okay, I'll make you a deal."

You raise an eyebrow.

"I take you to your group, you say yes to being my wife."

Without thinking, you nod.


How hard could being Negan's wife really be?

Ooo two updates in one day: wHaT a DaReDeViL1! Anyway, cant sleep so have this mess of a chapter. Hoping to have the next chapter out tomorrow. <3

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