Chapter 7: Arguments

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One week later

"Come on, Y/N! If I bring you late Negan will make me look like Dwight without a second thought." Simon complains, leaning against the door.

Pressing the wrinkles out of your shirt, you look at him and laugh.

"I won't let him." you reply, passing him and walking towards Negan's door.

Simon jogs to catch up with you. 

For the past two weeks as you healed, Simon was much softer on you. You felt a greater connection with him. Shockingly enough, the same thing happened with you and Negan. You've seen his softer side more than you would have ever expected, and a sense of trust has built between you.

The two of you walk in unison. Once you reach Negan's door, Simon grabs your upper arm like he always does, but this time more gently.

"You get it, right?" he asks.

"Yeah, I get it. Just doing what you're commanded, I respect that." you smile at him.

Simon smiles back, turning to the door. He raises his hand to knock on the door, only to be greeted by the door swinging open. Dwight suddenly storms out of the room, heading down the hall practically having steam come out of his ears. You watch as he makes his way down the hall, only to be brought back to reality by Negan grabbing your arm. Turning, you look toward Negan and your eyes connect. His smile greets you as he quickly turns to Simon.

"Thank you, Simon." he says, pulling you into the room.

Simon nods and leaves. Negan shuts the door, in the process letting go of your arm.

"What's Dwight's problem?" you ask, making your way to the couch, making yourself comfortable.

"Don't worry about him. He's just being a fucking nuisance." Negan replies, sitting next to you on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

You turn and look at him.

"I feel good." you reply shortly.

Negan raises his right eyebrow in suspicion.

"Somethin' on your mind?" he asks.

You rub the back of your neck and shift on the couch.

"Well.." you start,  breaking the eye contact, knowing it was probably the wrong time.

Negan chuckles.

"Come on, Y/N. I know that fuckin look. Talk to me." Negan replies.

"It's.." you reply, dropping your hand off of your neck while you try to find the right words.

Negan sighs and shifts his body closer to you. Gently, his hand goes under your chin, lifting it up. 

You clear your throat, slowly raising your eyes to meet his.

"Talk to me." he repeats.

"Well, I wanted to go back to Alexan --"

"No. I will not take another fucking chance for you to have an outburst like before and end up being shot, again!" Negan interrupts dropping his hand.

"Maybe you should control your men better!" you reply quickly, anger coming through in your voice.

" You watched me the whole DAMN time, did you hear me say anything at any moment? You're lucky you aren't dead! I could have easily sent you to be punished but I didn't!" Negan lectures, standing up off of the couch.

"Why didn't you? I could've easily killed you that day-- "

Negan grins.

"But you didn't, did you?"

You shake your head, shrugging.

"Doesn't matter, Rick will come and get me one of these days."

"That's adorable. You think Rick is safe?"

You stay silent for a moment, tears forming in your eyes.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing yet. So far he has been cooperative."

"Don't hurt him, hurt me.  Leave them alone!"

"Oh sweetheart, if I wanted to hurt you I would've done it already. I would've sent you to be punished for that fucking stunt you pulled."

"Maybe you should have." you mutter, bringing your knees to your face, silently crying into them.

Negan's gaze on you softens as he walks closer to you. Kneeling down on one knee, he places his hand on your shoulder. You pull away, getting yourself up from the couch. You make your way out the door, tears streaming down your face.

Negan watches as you leave, regret washing over him. You slam the door and make your way over to your room, slamming that door as well and throwing yourself onto your bed, crying into your pillow.

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