Chapter 24: Actions Have Consequences

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Next thing you knew, Dave was on the floor next to Rick with blood dripping from his nose while Simon held you back from the cell door.

"You fuckin' bitch!" Dave shouts, standing himself up and wiping the blood with his finger.

"You should be fucking dead!" you spit back at him, trying to free yourself from Simon's grasp.

"You're about to be the one dead!" Dave shouts, pulling the gun from his waistband and cocking it back, pointing it directly at you.

"Whoa, whoa! Dave put that shit away! Let's just relax!" Simon says, trying to de-escalate the situation.

From the corner of your eye, you see Dr. Carson appear at the end of the hallway.

"Carson, go get Negan! Now!" Simon calls to him.

Dr. Carson immediately listens, running back down the hallway.

"Shoot me again, you son of a bitch! You don't have the balls!" you shout at Dave.

Dave scoffs.

"Don't you fuckin' test me!" he replies, the tone in his voice going deeper as the argument kept going.

Simon quickly pulls you in front of him, looking down at you.

"Y/N, calm down!" he says, holding your upper arms to keep you in place.

You shake your head, attempting to push Simon back with your hands.

"No! This fucker is hurting Rick! And you -- you're just letting him!"

You push at his chest again, unsuccessful.

"Let her get near me, Si, I'll blow her god damn head off!" Dave says, shaking the gun around.

"You won't be doin' any of that shit." a voice says from down the hallway

All three of you look over to see Negan strolling down the hall, Lucille hanging in his hand. You roughly pull yourself away from Simon, and he lets you go. You look into the cell, noticing how limp Rick is. Your anger builds up even higher in your body.

"Now, would somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here?"

"This ignorant fuck was beating Rick to a pulp!" you yell, looking up directly at Dave.

"This bitch broke my nose!" Dave says, looking over at you, than at Negan.

You could feel a stinging sensation in your right hand, but you decide to ignore it.

"What were you doin' down here?" Negan says, looking at you.

"Why the fuck does it matter?" you say, keeping your fiery gaze on Dave.

"Because.." Negan begins, walking in front of you, blocking your view into the cell"I need to know."

You look straight at his chest.

"I was going to see Carson; my stitches are fucked up."

Negan looks down at your hand, the blood dripping.

"But I'm fine, Rick needs Carson more than I do!"

Negan hands Lucille to Simon before gently, but firmly, taking your arm to look at your hand.

You look down at your hand, pulling it quickly away from Negan's grasp.

"I said I'm fucking fine." you reply quickly, looking back up at Negan.

All Negan could do was stare at you, speechless.

"Simon, take Rick to medical; Make sure nobody touches him besides Carson." Negan says finally, not breaking the intense eye contact between the two of you as he takes Lucille back.

You sigh in relief, looking away from Negan to watch Simon pick Rick up, throwing his arm around Rick's torso.

"Davey," Negan says, turning around," Given the circumstances, I'd say you got off relatively scott-free from our first incident, don't you think?"

Dave simply looks at Negan with nervous eyes and nods.

"Now you're smart enough to know I can't let this slide..right?"

Dave's face drains of color.

"Negan, please, I--"

Negan laughs, tightening his grip on Lucille.

"On your knees, Davey boy."

David starts crying as he falls to his knees while pleading.

"I can't watch this." you say as you shake your head, walking quickly to Carson's office.

During your stitches, Negan walks in.

He has a stern expression, and his boots have blood scattered on them. You shake your head, closing your eyes. 

I can't think of him right now, I can't-

"All done." Carson sighs, turning his chair around to the bed, where Rick lay unconscious.

You look up at Rick, feeling tears reach your eyes. You get up from your chair and walk out of the room, not acknowledging Negan as you leave.

"Y/N, hey." Negan calls to you, only to find himself alone with Carson as you left.

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