Chapter 2: The Mysterious Intent of Goku Black!!!

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Kasumi and (Y/n) were kept in a stare down with Goku Black.

Goku Black: "Well what do we have here? Two insolent pests who don't know what to do with the Egg, that being exclusive only to the rightful gods. That is the sight of why you mortals shall cease to exist in my utopia." He said angrily.

(Y/n): "What do you want, Black? How the hell did you come back? I thought you were dead!"

Kasumi: "That guy looks frightening..."

Black: "Hehehe. I have a time ring. Anything else that happens in a different course of time doesn't affect me at all."

(Y/n): "Is that so? Then why are you after the Toki-Toki Egg?"

Black: "Well, since you are going to die, I'll tell you something. After that bastard Trunks split me both in half, I seemed to be in the body of Son Goku once again. But what I've looked around, all I saw around me was a white void. Everywhere I've looked, I couldn't see anything. I thought I had died. No planets, no sun, not even the earth came into view. However, two mysterious beings appeared before me. They told me that I was erased. I don't even know how possibly they were able to find me. Nevertheless, they gave me a second chance at life, at a cost. I would lend my power to their aid, and accomplish our ideals and wishes.

(Y/n): "Crap. So Black and the Demon Empire are all buddy-buddy now, huh?"

Black: "And here you see me as I am. You should be amazed by my superior advantages, mortal."

(Y/n): "Blah, Blah, Blah, mortal this, mortal that. Could you stop with the mortal whatever? It's really annoying."

Black: "Stop stalling, insolent mortal."

(Y/n): "You're the one with the blabbering mouth in a mortal's body."

Black: "Enough nonsense, blasphemer. You know what I'm here for. Hand me that egg."

(Y/n): "And what if I say no?"

Black: "Then we will force you two to comply, you insignificant worm. Be it through death or not."

(Y/n): "Who's we? There's only one of you."

Black: "Well, then. Allow me to introduce, Alpha!" He snapped his fingers. Behind him, appeared from his side, was a shinobi looking exactly the same as Kasumi but wore red shinobi clothing instead of blue, and it was less revealing.

Kasumi: "Alpha?! No... It can't be.... I thought the project was discontinued long ago!"

Kasumi Alpha: "Well, that's unfortunate for you. I'm still here. *laughs*"

(Y/n): "What the?! There's two of you? Is she like your twin sister or something?"

Kasumi: "No, she isn't."

(Y/n): "Did u have trouble with her back then?"

Kasumi nodded. "Mmhm. An organization by the name of DOATEC tested experiments for creating the ultimate soldier. I was one of their test subjects, and they managed to create a clone of me. Don't listen to whatever she says. She may look like me, but she is pure evil, straight to the core."

(Y/n): "Alright then. Thanks for the info."

Kasumi Alpha: "You should be smart and listen to him, my sister. Give us the Toki Toki Egg." she hissed at her.

Kasumi: "Stop it! I'm not like you!"

Kasumi Alpha: "Hmph. Looks like we are going to do this the hard way."

The next thing that happens, more Kasumi clones in the same clothing as Kasumi Alpha appeared, surrounding them on all sides, in a circle.

(Y/n): "Good grief... more clones... so there's more where these came from..."

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