Chapter 3: Kasumi uncovers (Y/n)'s Past!

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The sun has set, and the Moon lit brightly in the night sky. Kasumi now having reached her home, she now tends to the care of (Y/n), who has suffered many injuries from their last battle.

Reaching the door to her home, Kasumi slid open the doors, and walked in. She turned on the lights. She walked (Y/n) into a room where she slowly laid him down on a soft bed mat on the floor. She gives him a pillow for his head to rest on.

After she has laid him down, she went elsewhere in the house to grab medicine and bandages. She came back with arms full of medication, and laid them next to (Y/n). She knew his numerous scars were bleeding like crazy, so she had to do something to stop it. She braced herself and took a deep breath, and gulped. She was about to strip the clothes off a man that she had just met hours ago. She started with his shirt. She gently took out the first damaged layer of his outfit, and placed it aside from him. She then carefully slid out his damaged compressed shirt off from his body, and his battle scars were in full view. She took a deep breath, as she gently, carefully, and nervously pulled down his pants, in full view of his legs.

He had large cut marks everywhere around his body, and they were dripping blood all around his body. She started dipping cotton swabs with rubbing alcohol, and gently caressed around the wounds, to stop the bleeding. Drying up all of the wounds of his full body. she then moved on to his face. She grabbed a smooth cloth and dipped it entirely in a bucket of cold water. The cloth now being moist, she gently and dabbed on the scares on his face with the cloth, everywhere around his cheeks, and on his neck and hair. She kept doing it, and stared dreamily into (Y/n)'s sleeping face.

Kasumi: "Why did you save me?" She thought. "Why? I mean, this was the first time that anyone risked their life, to save me... No one... Because I thought I was a problem in their lives being a runaway ninja and all... so it be the reason that I live alone... Grrr! Snap out of it, Kasumi! (Y/n) needs help, and I'm talking down to myself again!" She went from looking depressed, to look determined, as she wrapped up gently stopping all of the scars on his body from bleeding. "There! Now to cover those up!" She reached over to grab the roll of bandage wrap. She took her time to wrap him around in bandage wraps, covering most of his body. She wrapped almost all of his head in wraps, and covered part of his hair and face, she left parts around his eyes, nose, and mouth open, so he could at least function normally. He had more than half of his body also covered bandage wraps, along with both of his arms being almost entirely wrapped by bandage wrap. She then wrapped carefully around certain parts of legs, covering entirely all of the scars. She wrapped around the scars enough so that (Y/n) could move. She smiled in relief.

Kasumi: "Nevertheless... I just... want to say... thank you... for saving me." Now done with tending to him. She looked silently in his sleeping but dreamy face. She went in his pocket and dug out a senzu bean.

Kasumi: " 2 left, huh?" She popped in one. Seconds later, her body and face now displayed no scars. "Sleep well, (Y/n)." She tucked him calmly under a blanket and left him to sleep, and went to her room. She undressed. She took off her ragged Kunoichi clothing, and went to her bathroom to take a shower. She turned on the shower head, pouring warm, soothing water all over her dirty body. She had a thought that bothered her a lot. "Why do I get this feeling now... that whenever i'm close to him, I start to blank myself out, but when he talked to me, it felt warming to me. Why are these feelings I have for him all I'm thinking about? I need to know more about him." After more than 15 minutes have passed, she has cleaned herself, and stepped out of the shower room. She grabbed a towel to dry herself and changed into a blue kimono, pulling her hair back into a ponytail, with a yellow ribbon.

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