2 - Hatred

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When Tommy finally found himself in a far enough away place, he landed. He had no idea where he was. It was a plains biome that was in between a village and the ocean. He headed over to the village, going to see if there was any good loot. The iron golem gave him a suspicious look, but quickly wiped it away from his face. The villagers' eyes widened as he walked by, they all knew who he was.

He was the one that started wars. The peace breaker. The one that never listens. The one whose head had a very high price.

Once going through all of the terrible trades, he approached the iron golem once again.

"I'm sorry, but there can't be any witnesses."

Tommy pulled out his maxed out netherite sword and quickly sliced the golems head clean off.

Tommy emerged from the village 10 minutes later, covered in blood. He was shaking with tears running down his face. He made a decision as he walked away from the now abandoned village.

He hated himself with a passion.

He made his way over to the ocean to wash himself off, not bothering to fly because he didn't feel like he deserved the adrenaline he gets when he does fly. He stared at his reflection in the water for a long while. Once he was clean of blood, he set up a small tent by the water. He placed his last bed inside the tent and cried himself to sleep.

Tommy awoke with a bad feeling. It was still dark out. He couldn't be sure what it was he felt in his gut, but he knew it wasn't good. He packed up the little stuff he had and headed out, he walked, still not feeling worthy of his wings.

He kept looking behind him as he walked through the woods. The trees were close to the ground, he's already bumped his head multiple times. He deserved it. It's not like he could get any dumber.

Just as he turned his head to check over his shoulder once more, he hears the sound of flint and steel being rubbed together. He takes off running as he feels an explosion go off behind him.

"I see him!" Tommy recognized the voice, but couldn't put a face to it. He desperately looked for an opening between the trees. If he tries to take off now, he'll most likely get stuck in the tree branches. Running is not Tommy's strong suit. He'd just always fly. He sloppily drank a speed potion in an attempt to go faster. He quickly pulled out a few pieces of TNT, lit them with flint and steel, and dropped them behind him.

He could hear their shouting. If he had to guess, he was pretty sure this was Sapnap and possibly George that was following him. He heard the explosion behind him.

He took that opportunity to take a sharp turn to the left in hopes that they wouldn't notice. He huddled his wings behind his back as much he could so he could hide behind a tree. He heard the footsteps of George and Sapnap as they ran behind him.

Once they were out of earshot, Tommy let out a breath he had been holding for who knows how long. He checks to make sure that they're gone and starts running forward.

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