6 - Return

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He came back about 2 hours later, he was covered in blood and limping. Tommy was used to seeing people in this state, but never Techno.

"Hey." Tommy said quietly as Techno approached the stairs.

"Hey." He replied as he made his way up each step.

Instead of going inside to take care of his injuries, Techno sat next to Tommy. He took a deep breath as they watched the sunset.

"What happened to your wings?" He asked.

Tommy slouches and feels gloomy. "Tubbo exiled me. I escaped, I was in the wilderness for two weeks, Dream found me, and chopped them off. Only Mojang knows where they are now."

"That sucks, I know how much you cherished your wings."

"Yeah...but they'll grow back eventually. What happened to you?"

"I don't...I don't want to talk about it."

Tommy nodded and faced forward again. He could only imagine what happened to Techno, he'd never seen his brother this traumatized and--dare he say--scared. Techno in Tommy's eyes was the fearless superhero that could never be beaten. Seeing this broken and beaten side of him made Tommy sad. Tommy looked over at him again, his usually perfect posture was reduced to a slouch, and Tommy could tell that he was barely containing the emotions inside him.

"It's okay. To cry. I've done enough of it the past couple months. I can tell that you need to so don't pretend to be okay."

Techno didn't seem to like that very much. He's not one to show too much emotion. He muttered something about going inside to heal himself and left within 30 seconds. Tommy sighed and stayed where he was.

Tommy thought of the time when he, Techno, and Will had snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to practice archery. Phil had always warned them not to go outside at night because of the monsters that would roam. While they would respawn, dying is still not a preferable activity. Tommy had just sprouted out his wings a few months before, and they hadn't become strong enough to support his weight yet. Will and Techno were still jealous of the fact that Tommy got wings while they did not. They both insisted that he not go with them, simply because they were older and more experienced than he was, but he was able to convince them using the classic 'you go without me and I'm telling dad'. Techno led with his iron sword held in front of him, Will was in the back, his sword held out as well. Tommy wandered in the middle, his small wooden sword in his hand at his side. He had never been outside at night before. He noticed that everything was much creepier than it was during the day. He'd also never seen a monster, Phil had told the three boys stories about the zombies and skeletons that roamed around, Tommy had never been scared of them, especially since he had Will and Techno with him. Tommy's head was flipping around constantly, trying to absorb all of the inky darkness of the night. Tommy shivered as he felt a weird feeling in his gut. His small wings stretched from behind his back so they were at their full span of about 2 feet. Tommy's eagle like senses felt something coming from the right of the group.

"Tommy...?" Wilbur had seen Tommy's wings and knew that he had seen something.

Tommy stopped walking and faced toward where the monster was. "Skeleton...over there."

Will squinted his eyes in the direction where Tommy was facing. "How can you see? It's too dark."

"I can feel it."

"Ooookkaaayyy suuuuurrrreeeeee."

"I can—!"

"Shut up, I can hear it." Techno shushed all of them and plunged into the darkness alone.

Tommy was shaken out of his thoughts by Techno smacking his shoulder and saying, "hey, nerd, come inside before the strays come out, we've got a lot to catch up on."

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