13 - Deranged

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"How do I even get out?" Tommy was talking to himself. Yeah, he was definitely going insane.

You've just got to break the bars.

I still think this is a bad ide--

"That's easier said than done."

But not impossible.

I don't--

"Oh yeah? You want me to make my hands bleed?"

Depends. How much do you want to get out?

"I don't want to get out. That was your idea."

Oh yeah. I say you go for it.


"I'm blaming you if I break anything."


I feel as though we should take a step back, think about what we're doing and reevaluate it--

Will you shut up? No one wants to hear your voice of reason.

"I do."

I do.

Tommy stopped then realised what he was doing. He grabbed his head and shook it violently. He looked back up, dizzily. He crouched down with his head between his knees.

"I'm going insane I'm going insane I'm going insane." He whispered this a thousand times. He rocked back and forth on his feet.

Tommy sat in the corner of the cell once again, cradling his head in his hands.

"I can't go insane. I-I can't." His voice shook under his breath. "I can't...I can't be like Wilbur..."

The only thing that Tommy's voices could agree on was one small statement.

"I don't want to die."

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

Technoblade had been scrounging around in the nether for hours with no luck. He assumed that Dream would have put Tommy far away from the main server area. He assumed it would be hard, he counted on it, actually. He was always up for a little challenge, though. About halfway through his search he accidentally hit a zombie pigman. That made his day ten times worse.

He wondered how Tommy was doing. He had been in complete isolation for about 3 days now.

He must be insane by now, Techno chuckled to himself.

Little did he know.

Tommy ran into the iron bars for the fifth time. They didn't budge. He limps back to the back of the cell to try again. He starts running at full speed towards the bars again, letting out a cry whilst doing so. He grunted once he hit the bars, them still not moving even a bit. He panted as he dragged himself back to the back of his cell once again.


This sudden voice startled him. At first, he thought it was one of the voices in his head again and was about to go back to breaking the bars. Then he heard it again.


Tommy looked around outside the cell, but didn't see anything unusual from his barred vision. He wasn't sure what to do.

"Hello?" He asked, quietly. His small voice echoed loudly in the nether.

"Tommy? Where are you?"

Tommy was taken aback. Who was this and why were they looking for him? He couldn't recognize the raspy voice calling out to him.

"Who-who are you?" Tommy stuttered, not sure if this mysterious voice was real or not.

"It's me, Ghostbur!" The voice said happily.

Tommy jumped at the revelation. Of course it was Ghostbur! Tommy was frustrated with himself for not realizing sooner.

"Ghostbur! I'm over here, in the shack by the lava lake." Tommy looked around desperately for the ghost that claimed to be there. Ghostbur floated in front of the bars and looked at Tommy's small abode.

"Why are you here? I thought you hated the heat." Ghostbur floated excitedly, he hadn't seen his friends in awhile.

"I do, I'm not here by choice!" Tommy gestured at the bars in front of him, signaling that he was trapped in here.

"Oh. How'd you get in there?" Ghostbur pulled out a pickaxe and brought it to the bars.

"Dream trapped me."

"Well, that's not very nice of Dream, I can go give him a stern talking-to if you'd like." Tommy stood back as Ghostbur broke through the bars with ease.

"No thank you, that won't be necessary."

Tommy stepped out of his prison cell and felt the sweet feeling of freedom, only a sliver of guilt remained. Ghostbur started floating away.

"Come on, Tommy! Let's go home!" Ghostbur hadn't noticed yet that Tommy was unable to follow him.

"Tommy?" Ghostbur turned around mid-air to look at Tommy, who was standing on netherrack, very annoyed. "What's wrong? Why aren--" Then he noticed. "Oh. What happened to your wings?"

Tommy didn't want to talk about it. He was still very upset about it. He didn't want to ignore Ghostbur after what happened last time they met, though he probably doesn't even remember the interaction.

"Dream--he took them from me." There was an awkward silence after Tommy said that. Ghostbur was looking at Tommy blankly, as if he hadn't heard what he had just said. Tommy was getting antsy to get out of the nether. "We should get going, don't you think?"

Ghostbur floated down next to Tommy as he started walking across the netherrack. "Yeah! What were we talking about again?"

Tommy smiled sadly, glad that his friend couldn't remember the tragedy he had just told him about.

"Nothing important." He answered.


Sorry for the bad quality of this chapter TvT I'm having writer's block right now. Thx for 1k reads as well, it means a lot to me! Go get something to eat and drink, it would make me happy :)

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