8 - Attack

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Tommy's mouth hung open as he stared at the figure in the doorway. Phil's wings were taking up the whole door frame, the feathers a little ruffled after just being shaken of snow. He took off his bucket hat and threw it onto the counter. Phil had glanced at Tommy, but did not recognize him at first.

"Who's that, Techno?" Phil said as he took off his coat and boots. He left a little pile of snow on the welcome mat.

Tommy didn't even care that his own father didn't recognize him, he went up to Phil and hugged him. Phil was surprised since he still was unable to identify this boy.

"Woah, mate." Phil looked down at the blond hair in front of him. He recognized it. "Tommy?"

Tommy looked up at Phil and stepped away from him. Phil looked very confused. "You-you're still alive?"

Tommy scrunched his face. "What do you mean? Of course I am."

"Dream said you were dead."

"I almost was, but I'm not."

"What happened to your wings?"

Tommy told Phil about everything that had happened the past two weeks, not missing a single detail. Meanwhile, Technoblade did some work outside before it was completely night out.

"That sucks, mate, I remember life without wings, and it sucked."

"Yeah--" Tommy was interrupted by a big bang outside. He assumed it was just Techno accidentally blowing up a creeper, but when he looked out the window to check, he was proven as wrong.

Tommy's breath quickened. Dream. Dream was outside and was fighting with Technoblade. Techno had been unprepared, having only gone outside with a netherite hoe and a bucket. Dream was stacked, full netherite armor, a netherite axe and a shield. Techno tried blocking as much as possible, but his only real option was to run. Tommy stood and contemplated going out to help. He wanted to, but Dream was the only thing stopping him. He had believed that he could beat Dream before, and that had only resulted in the loss of his wings. Philza, however, didn't wait another minute, he grabbed his sword plus the Axe of Peace, and rushed out the front door. Tommy had made his decision and was right behind Phil. He stopped in the doorframe when he smelt smoke coming from inside the house. There was no fire in the fireplace, and the stove had been turned off a long time ago. He went back into the house, his nose in the air, trying to find the source of the smoke. He ruled out the top and main floors quickly. Climbing the ladder down into the chest room, the scent became stronger. He took a peek at the basement below and found the source of the smoke. TNT. And lots of it. The cord connecting all the TNT together was lit and only about a foot away from lighting all of the TNT.

"Tommy!" He heard Techno yell from outside. "Get out of the house!"

Tommy scrambled back up the ladder into the chest room, hoping to get out via the door in there. He heard the sizzle of the TNT cord as it got smaller and smaller. He reached for the handle of the door and found it was locked. He fumbled with the deadlock, wasting precious seconds trying to unlock it with shaking hands. He burst through the doors just as he heard a deafening explosion behind him and he was flung into the air. He couldn't feel or hear anything as he started heading to the ground at a deadly pace. He saw Techno standing in shock as he hit the ground hard, barely cushioned by the 4 inch deep snow. Tommy was on 1 and a half hearts, he felt like everything in his body had been shattered. He had a few minor burns on his arms and face that stung like crazy.

He heard Techno--or was it Phil?--calling his name. His eyes were drooping to a point where it was very difficult to open them again, so after a while, he decided not to.

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