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*Harry's POV*

I've been back more times than I'd like to admit.

I keep finding time to come back to the closed-down set. And I could lie and say it's for the quiet, for the peace of mind while reading or working on my new script. But it's not.

I keep going back to the soundstage where she kissed me, hoping each time that being here will transport me back to that moment.

I walk the perimeter of the large room, silent save for my muted footsteps. My head plays an endless loop of Winnie; the sweet, breathy sounds that fall from her perfect lips, her warm, confident hands searching my body.

She catches me off guard, playing the part of a perfect lady and then suddenly switching to a force of unbound energy, all the while beautiful, graceful.

When will she be back?

When will I be alone with her again?

I knew it was a risk going to the ball to see her. But somehow, I escaped unscathed. And she would never admit it, but I know that I made her night. She was quietly happy to see me, her eyes lighting up despite the sharp words coming out of her mouth.

It's only a matter of time before she comes running back. Days, maybe. She'll be back. I know she will. And I'll get her alone again.

As I reminisce, something catches the light, glinting in my peripheral vision; I turn my head and it disappears. My eyes search the ground, certain I'll find a penny or a loose screw. I take a step and the toe of my shoe kicks something small, sending it skidding across the floor.

Crouching down, I reach for the piece of metal. It's heart-shaped. I bring it towards the light. It almost looks like...

Her locket. Half of it, at least.

The delicate gold piece is engraved. Darling Elwin, it reads.

My thumb traces the cursive writing, heart warming. She's here with me. I feel the smile rising on my cheeks. I grip the precious token, slipping it into my pocket.

As long as I have her locket, her heart, she is here with me.




Basically... H is a hopeless romantic. But are we surprised? Thank you for nearly 1k reads! I love you all! Keep commenting!

I'll probably drop a few more chapters this weekend, I've been writing up a storm. Enjoy!

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