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(A/N- Spencer Reid Season 13 onward.)

"Tell me about yourself, Spencer Reid."

Spencer turned to his left taking in the look that was in her green eyes. "It's a long story."

A hand waved over where they were. Their feet were situated in the foot rest as they were stationed at a standstill in the sky. "I think we have time."

Earlier in the day, Spencer sat on a bench at the entrance of the park. His eyes were on the lookout for his blonde, brightly dressed friend who was supposed to be joining him with a friend of hers. The sun that was going to be setting in a couple of hours beamed down from above causing his eyes to squint slightly. Spencer wondered what color his eyes were in the light that was so bright. Typically, most people would say they were just a plain brown but in actuality they had gold on the inside. He knew that usually people didn't notice his eye color over the dark circles that were a constant under his eyes. Spencer had developed those all in due thanks to his constant lack of sleep from his job.

The sounds of laughter and screams surrounded him. Penelope had mentioned attending the Carnival that was in town for the weekend. While this wasn't his usual way to spend his day off, when she brought it up it was hard to say no. Spencer couldn't remember the last time, if any, he had been to a Carnival. A part of him was excited while another was wishing he was reading at a cafe somewhere.

"Excuse me," A voice said, breaking him away from his thoughts. Spencer's eyes met the source of the voice taking in the young looking woman. While he noticed the brunette hair that had splashes of pink underneath first, it was her eyes that sucked him in. The color was different than others he had seen. It was a greenish color with gold throughout. They were beautiful. "Would you mind sharing the bench with me? I'm waiting for a friend."

"Yeah, of course," Spencer replied, shifting slightly further to the left.

"Thank you," She smiled warmly at him. Much like her eyes, her smile was also beautiful.

"You're welcome. I wasn't aware I was taking up so much of the bench."

A light chuckle was given. "You did look pretty comfortable," She told him, reaching into the small bag she had around her. A book was pulled out and from the cover alone, he knew what it was. Anna Karenina. It was a classic that he had also read before. Numerous times in fact. It was a great book and not one you typically see someone reading at the park.

Silence fell over them as the woman read and he waited for Penelope. His eyes peeked over at the book in her hands and noticed that she was at one of the climax of the book. From the movement of her eyes and the intense concentration, it was clear that she was completely immersed in the novel. Spencer himself regretted not bringing a book with him as well to pass the time while waiting.

A buzzing sound came from the woman's bag breaking her concentration that had been in place. Spencer watched as her hand reached into the same bag the book had been pulled from. "Hey, where are you?" She asked. Out of the corner of his eye, Spencer noticed her shoulder's drop. Disappointment. "What about your friend that was meeting us here? Should I let them know?" There was a small pause. His interest was piqued at her questions. "Spencer. Okay, got it." Her eyes met him after listening to the other person talk. "I'm at that bench now. I am also sitting next to a man." A small smile tugged at her lips. "Are you Spencer Reid?" He nodded. "Nevermind, Pen. We've been sitting next to one another for a couple of minutes now. I will let him know." Another pause was given. "Got it. Good luck."

"I'm assuming you're Garcia's friend," Spencer said, gaining a nod from the woman.

"Sophia Walker," She replied. He noticed she didn't offer him a hand to shake. "Penny mentioned you didn't shake hands."

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