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"Perhaps we should make it into a trivia game. I've always enjoyed trivia and unlike others I know, you'd be able to challenge me."

"Game on, Doctor?" He questioned taking in the glint in her eye.

"Game on, Doctor."

Fast footsteps came behind Spencer as he made his way from the elevator to the pen on Monday morning. The footsteps were clearly a woman with the sound of heels meeting the floor and without looking, he knew who it was.

After spending hours at the Carnival on Saturday getting to know one another, Spencer and Sophia had found themselves on the phone Sunday afternoon wanting it to continue. It had been him who had reached out which surprised him at first until their conversation began. Talking to Sophia was easy. She was intelligent, caring, and funny on top of being absolutely beautiful. Spencer had no problem finding a topic to discuss with her or questions to ask her. He wanted to know everything about Sophia and from the questions sent back, it seemed as though she wanted to know him as well.

"I know you hear me, Boy Wonder," Garcia called to him.

Spencer turned gazing at her confused. "Am I late for a case debriefing?"

"Oh, no," She laughed. "I wanted to apologize for missing the Carnival Saturday."

"It's alright," He assured her. "Things come up."

Penelope looked at him as if trying to analyze what took place on Saturday. Unknown to her, a conversation between Spencer and Sophia had taken place concerning how to respond to the woman. Both agreed to keep everything a secret for now until they were better established with if they would be friends or potentially more. Spencer knew that having a mutual friend could mean an outside pressure towards them to be more and neither wanted that.

"What ended up happening? Did you still go to the Carnival?"

Spencer's head shook. "We just talked for a couple of minutes after you called."

A frown set on her face. "I'm sorry, Boy Genius. I know you were looking forward to the Carnival. If it's any consolation, I spent my Saturday cleaning copious amounts of water from my bedroom and living room floor."

A confused expression crossed over his face. "You had a flood in your apartment?"

The blonde nodded. "My upstairs neighbors left their tub on and forgot it. Their apartment flooded and then it went into mine."

"So you had an actual emergency to attend to that caused you to miss the Carnival," He said slowly. His eyes moved around slightly taking in this information. Penelope hadn't planned to set him and Sophia up. An actual event caused her to have to cancel.

"Yes," She replied confused. It might have taken a moment, but her eyes soon widened. "Oh my god." A small chuckle left her lips. "Did you think I cancelled on purpose to trick you both into a date?" Reddish pink tinge filled his cheeks. Penelope felt bad for chuckling in that moment. She knew how much he had gone through over the past year. How much he overcame. "Spencer, I would never blindside you like that. The others, yes. Not you. Sophia is also someone I wouldn't do that to. I do admit that when I was planning that afternoon that I wanted you to meet her. She's a great woman who has a lot to offer, but I wouldn't ever set you both up like that." Spencer nodded silently in understanding. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah," He nodded again.

"Why is it that you're still single? Job and past year aside, why haven't you tried to date? You have grown so much from years ago. Your confidence is so much better and yet you don't even try to meet someone," Penelope said. Spencer was unsure as to what to say. With his job and everything that had taken place aside, he didn't really have a reason. His job was the primary reason especially after Maeve. A hand came to his arm and squeezed it gently. "She would have wanted you to find someone to love and be with. You know this, right?"

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