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A small frown was given.  "Are you seeing someone?"

"I see a lot of people on a daily basis."  Penelope squealed excitedly.  "Why are you making that sound?"

"My little baby, Soph-Soph is dating!"

"Haven Sophia."

The brunette woman smiled warmly at the clearly annoyed blonde that entered her home.  After not having a 'girls night' for a while due to their schedules and Sophia secretly spending time with Spencer, they were finally able to settle on a night.  The Team weren't on a case and Sophia had no examinations scheduled which Penelope knew and called her on.  While Sophia knew that friend time was important, a part of her had wanted to see Spencer instead.  The two had been together with titles for two weeks at this point and they were well into the honeymoon phase of it.  Outside of work or teaching, their time spent separately was minimal compared to being together.  Tonight they would be apart and clearly the blonde friend of theirs would be interrogating Sophia the entire time.

"Well, hello to you too, Penelope Grace."

The blonde's eyes narrowed slightly.  "You're hiding something and I know you are.  I can feel it oozing from you."

"There goes my appetite."

"I need to know!" Penelope whined causing the other to stare at them silently. "Why won't you tell me?"

Sophia raised her brow while walking into the kitchen.  Her hands reached for the bottle of red wine that had been decanting on the counter.  With a wine glass she had received during her house warming party, Sophia began sipping it slowly.  "Penny, you're acting like a child."

"I want to know what's going on!"

"There's nothing to tell!" Sophia replied, tossing her free hand into the air.  "When there is, then you will know.  For now, please leave it alone.  You know that I tell you all and clearly if there was anything to disclose, you'd know it."

"Will you just answer one question?"

The brunette sighed leaning against the island of the kitchen.  "I make no promises."

A small frown was given.  "Are you seeing someone?"

"I see a lot of people on a daily basis."  Penelope squealed excitedly.  "Why are you making that sound?"

"My little baby, Soph-Soph is dating!" The woman replied hugging the younger woman.

Sophia stood there with her arms pinned to her sides in confusion.  Her mind went over the conversation which didn't help her make sense of what caused her friend to come to that conclusion.  "Penny, that isn't what I said at all."

Penelope pulled back releasing Sophia from the hug.  "You didn't in so many words, but the hidden meaning was clear," She smiled.

"I'm so confused," Sophia sighed, shaking her head.  "Can we move on from this and enjoy our night without any more questions?"

"Yes," Penelope agreed happily.  "I got an answer to one of my questions and that will satisfy me for now."

The brunette wanted to argue the woman's point but knew it was pointless and would only end up bringing forth more questions.  Questions that, without her boyfriend's input, Sophia didn't want to touch.  If it had only been her that knew Penelope that would be one thing, but they both were friends and that complicated things a bit more.  Neither wanted to rush into bringing others into their bubble.  Given their habits of placing walls up and blocking others out, it wasn't a surprise to them.  They also knew it wouldn't be a surprise to others whenever they found out. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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