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"This is one of those moments again. I didn't expect this."

"Are you going to give me an answer?" Spencer chuckled at her happiness.

Sophia watched Spencer's face intently as he spoke.  The amount of heartbreak that filled his voice was enough to cause her own heart to hurt for him.  "Her name was Maeve," He told her, playing with the fingers of the hand he held.  "When I was twenty-nine, I began having these intense headaches.  Every time I sought medical attention they could never find the reason behind them.  I was frustrated because I knew there had to be a reason behind them.  Eventually, I found a geneticist to help figure out what was going on.  Given my Mom's psychological history, there is a chance I could develop schizophrenia.  Maeve was the geneticist that helped me.  During the time we were in contact, she was in hiding because of a stalker.  We talked every Sunday and eventually more for ten months.  Within that time we got to know one another.  After a while, she noticed the messages and calls she had been receiving stopped.  She wanted to meet me and I agreed.  When we were supposed to have our first date, I saw someone who looked questionable and believed to be her stalker.  I asked her to go home and what I believed.  That person ended up being her ex-fiancée.  It wasn't long after that she was taken by Diane Turner who was actually dating Maeve's ex.  Diane had gotten turned down for a Ph.D by Maeve due to her thesis.  The team and I found her.  We tried...I tried to talk Diane down.  It didn't work.  Diane shot herself while holding Maeve.  They both died."

Spencer's eyes gazed into hers with tears filling his.  "You never got your chance to be with her," Sophia said softly.

His head shook side to side.  "She told me that she loved me during one of the phone calls.  I didn't have a chance to say it back.  I planned to say it when I finally saw and held her.  I never got the chance."

Sophia's hand that was free placed itself to his face.  "She sounds like a wonderful person.  I'm sorry you never got a chance to tell her how you feel.  Depending on where you stand on the spiritual belief that talking or thinking about them can relay messages, then Maeve does know.  Perhaps the fact that you tried as hard as you did to save her also let her know."

"I believe she does," Spencer said, closing his eyes as her fingers ran through his hair.  "I do still think of her from time to time."

"Of course you do.  She's someone who meant something to you.  That makes sense."

Brown and gold orbs met hers as fingers continued to stroke his hair.  "I never imagined I would be ready or willing to move on.  To have feelings for someone else," He told her softly.  Their eyes stay locked on the others.  "Until I met you.  I look forward to our phone calls even though I am not one who enjoys technology.  Our dates or even just spending time with one another.  Your laugh, eyes and smile are embedded into my mind.  Every time I see or hear them, my day improves.  I'm in deep, Sophia and it scares me because I don't want you to end up like Maeve."

"Spencer, you cannot live your life being scared that history is always going to repeat itself.  You deserve happiness and to have someone in your corner.  Someone who cares and supports you," She said, never losing eye contact with him.  "Maeve was a very special person and should never be forgotten.  I do have feelings for you and enjoy any and every second we talk or spend time together.  If we do end up being together, I just want to make sure that you'll be able to enjoy the good times and not just worry about potential harms."

A small smile tugged at his lips.  "I've been enjoying them so far," He replied watching as she smiled at his words.  "I'll always worry.  I've seen too much to not worry about you especially if I'm not around.  You're right though, I can't keep living my life the way I have been.  I don't want to anymore.  Not since meeting you."

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