Chapter Three

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Yeri walked into the school, everyone staring at her as she walked down the long hallway.

After a bit of walking, she eventually reached her locker only to see it completely vandalized. All eyes were on her as she stared at the mess. It was disgusting.

She opened her locker, expecting something worse like her locker to be filled with junk and it would all fall out once she opened it, but no. It was a cutely decorated envelope.

Yeri opened the envelope and read the letter, starting to grow confused.

"Who the hell left this in my locker!?" Yeri yelled, her screan echoing in the hallway. "Was it you, Sumin!?" Yeri said, walking uo to Sumin and pointing to her chest.

"N-No, Yeri..I just got here a few minutes ago!" Sumin defended herself. Yeri backed up, staring at everyone in the crowd.

"I'm onto you fuckers." Yeri said, angrily walking up the stairs to her first class.

Soon, there was a creak from the other side of the hallway. It was the restroom door opening and Joy peeking her head out.

"Well..that didn't make her as happy as I thought it would.." Joy said, sighing.

A/N: sorry for the short chapters ! I'm trying to work on other fics as well. I hope you read my other red velvet fanfics while waiting for an update on this one ♡

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