Chapter Six

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Yeri 💜💜💜

Hey Yeri!!!!

The other girls
are totally so
excited for you to
come to karaoke
with us!

Yeri 💜💜💜
Uh.. You're sure
they're excited?

Yeri 💜💜💜
Why would they be
excited to go karaoke
with a girl they don't
know or like?

They're kind, so
they don't mind you
coming! And they
don't hate you!!!!

Yeri 💜💜💜
Yes they do. And it's
okay to admit that
they do.

Okay fine maybe
they don't like you
just a little bit.

But they're still
happy that you're
coming with us!!!

Yeri 💜💜💜
Sure they are..

Yeri 💜💜💜
Do I absolutely
HAVE to go?

Yes!!! Because
then the girls will
think I lied to them
when I say I invited

You have about 2
more hours to get
ready. Wear
something cute!

I need to get ready,
so talk to you later!

Yeri didn't even bother responding. How did time pass so fast? She didn't have any "cute" clothes to wear to karaoke, so what was she supposed to wear? She stood up from her bed and opened her closet, looking through all of her clothes. Majority was just school uniform, until she came across a purple lettuce hem crop top with white polka dots.

"Is this.. 'cute' to her? Eh, maybe. I've seen her wear the same too but in green." Yeri grabbed the top and slipped it on. She closed her closet and threw the hanger on the floor, walking to her dresser to look for bottoms. She picked out a pair of faded blue jeans. She hadn't worn something so preppy in so long.

She grabbed a pair of socks and her white sneakers, slipping them on. At this time, she now had about an hour and a half til' she needed to be there. Then she realized, she didn't have a way to the karaoke place.

"Ugh, the last thing I wanna do is ask that chick for a ride.. Whatever. I need to do what I need to do." Yeri said to herself, pulling out her phone.

Girl from school

I don't have a
ride. Think you
can give me a

Girl from school
Of course! Just send
me your address :3

XXXXX dr. 5555

Girl from school
Okay! I'll be there
at 4, so be ready!!!


4? Yeri only had 30 more minutes until she had to ride with the most annoying girl in the entire universe. She groaned and walked downstairs, visibly annoyed. Her mom looked over her shoulder to see her daughter all dressed up for the first time in years.

"Yerim, where are you heading?" Her mother asked excitedly. "Nowhere." Yeri responded, taking a seat on the couch. "Don't lie to me Yerim, you never dress up, not even for family events. So tell your mother where you're going!" Yeri's mother demanded.

"I'm going to karaoke! There!" Yeri rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and legs. "Oh, finally you're going out. I hope you have fun!" Her mother smiled, but Yeri just rolled her eyes again. She sat in silence until she heard a loud honk from outside her house. She looked out the window to see a white car parked, the window down and at least 3 girls waving at her.

"I gotta go now." Yeri said, leaving the house without saying goodbye to her mother.

She walked up to the car, Joy opening the door and walking out, arms wide open. She hugged Yeri, the younger girl keeping her arms to her sides.

"I'm driving and the passenger seat is free, so you can sit next to me!" Joy said happily. Yeri sighed before agreeing, then sat next to Joy in the car.

"Let's go!" Joy cheered, the girls behind her screaming. Yeri poked her fingers into her ears to block out the noise. This was going to be the worst car drive of Yeri's life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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