Chapter Five

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Joy walked to Rosé's house after school instead of to her own. She had to tell Rosie and the girls that Yeri would tag along with them on karaoke night!

Knock knock knock

The tall blonde ran downstairs and opened the door to see her best friend. "Hey Joy!" Rosé greeted the older girl with a hug. Last semester Rosé moved schools, so she wasn't able to see Joy as much.

"Can I come in? I got updates for our karaoke night!" Joy said, Rosé nodding and opening the door more. The two ran up to the blonde's room and sat on her bed together. "So, what about the karaoke night?" Rosé asked. "Oh yeah! I invited someone else to come with us, guess who!" Joy said.

"Suzy!?" Rosé asked excitedly. Joy shook her head. "Even better." She said with a smug look on her face. "No fucking way you got Zendaya to come to karaoke with us!" Rosé cursed, taking Joy aback. "How the hell would I get Zendaya to come to karaoke with us!?" Joy said, laughing hysterically with the other girl.

After wiping her tears, Joy decided that she couldn't take Rosie's ridiculous guessing anymore. "I invited Yeri, not Zendaya or Suzy!" Joy said, all of the happiness disappearing from Rose's eyes. "Now why the hell would you invite her!?" Rosé asked in a high pitched voice, clearly upset.

"Well, she looks so lonely all of time, I feel bad! She's in high school, she should be enjoying her years, not wasting them away by having absolutely no fun!" Joy explained to the tall blonde. "Joy, there's a reason that people don't invite her out. She's a fucking. Bitch. She's rude to everyone with no reason!" Rosé ranted, saddening Joy.

"You wouldn't know that because you never gave the poor girl a chance! She's coming with us whether you like it or not!" Joy argued, crossing her arms in frustration. "Ugh.. Well, just letting you know, the other girls won't be too happy about this." Rosé broke the news to Joy.

"I know, but I don't care. They'll have to deal with it." Joy responded blankly. "Well, I've got to get going. I need to talk to Yeri some more!" Joy said, looking away from Rosé. Rosie sighed in disappointment, but Joy was always like this and nothing she did could change it. No matter how bad a person seemed, she always gave second chances. It was hard for her not to, as she always had a spot in her heart that felt guilt or remorse. I guess that's why everyone considers her an angel, her popularity is well deserved.

Joy stepped outside of Rosé's house, the cold winter breeze hitting her in the face, her brown hair flowing all over the place. It wasn't a snowy winter, but a dry winter. Trees were dead and the air was cold and dry, it seemed a little depressing to say the least. But Joy didn't let it bother her. She walked home alone, putting her headphones in. She listened to "A White Night" by Irene. It was a soft and comforting song. It matched the weather and the way she was feeling.

After walking for about 15 minutes, she reached her own home. Her house was a bit far from Rosé's considering she had to move houses last semester. Before she moved, her and Joy lived just next door to each other. It was like heaven. 2 best friends who lived right next to each other, it was awesome.

If they wanted to see each other, sometimes they'd just leave their windows open so they could yell at each other to communicate. It was fun and felt like they were in a sitcom. But now, the house next to Joy's was vacant and sad looking. At the end of every month, Rosé's father would re paint the outside of the house to make it look more lively. Now the house looks dead and just plain sad, like it could be in a horror movie.

Opening the door, Joy felt a satisfying warm wave of air hit her.

The tall girl walked upstairs to her room, sitting at her vanity and checking her makeup before picking up her phone. Usually when the weather was like this, there was harsh wind. When Joy would close her eyes to avoid the wind hitting them, they would close so tight that her makeup would occasionally smudge.

She opened her texting app, typing away. Surprisingly, Yeri got back to her almost immediately. This shocked Joy a bit, but she was happy about it nevertheless.

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