Chapter 19: you had sex?!

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"Urghhh I can't BELIEVE she's at his house rn and I'm sitting here doing what?! NOTHING" you groan as you jump into your bed, rolling onto Akane.

"y/n, do you trust Kenma?" she asks you.

"I do, as bad as my trust issues are, I trust Kenma. It's just I don't trust that bitch at all" you reply as you let out a frustrated sigh.

"Yeah same I don't trust that bitch too. Maybe you should just text him and see how he's getting on?".

"Alrighty wait let me just text him rn"


Hey bitch I miss your antisocial ass.
I'm coming over to yours iab.

Yes please.
I need an excuse to get rid of this bih-

I'm omw bby dw😭


"Phew, he seems to be doing fine with me, I told him that I'm on my way" you say as you roll onto your back.

"That's good, let's hope Yumeko ain't cast any spells on him by the time you've arrived" Akane replies.

"What shall I wear? Hmmm maybe this? It's cute" you say as you show her your outfit.

"Yes THATS hot I could NEVERR".

"GIRL IF YOU EVER WANT TO WEAR MY OUTFITS THEN FEEL FREE TO DUH BESTIE!!" you exclaim as you change into your clothes. (Clothes above, unless you want to choose your own).

"THANKYOU SIS! Your outfits really are bomb af tho" she compliments you.
"Also while you're off at Kenma's, I'll be going to Kuroo's".

"Ouhh I see I see, anything more to spill?" you ask as you wiggle your eyebrows.

"Well we mayhaveahemdonethedeed" she quickly says.

You turn around with a shocked expression plastered upon your face.

"No. Fucking. Way. YOUVE ALREADY HAD SEGGS?! WHEN WHAT HUH SPILL" you say as Akane fills you in on all the tea.

"And oh it's biiiig, very big. I swear I felt that shit in my stomach I was about to pass OUT" she exclaims dreamily.

"Oh my god IWJWJW DAMN YOU GUYS WILD AF I can't wait to have seggs but I'm scared. Especially after hearing that shit hurts at first".

"Oh but it's worth the pain girl, my ass was floating on cloud motherfudging 9" she sighs as she lays on your bed like a starfish.

After exchanging gossip, you head to Kenma's as Akane heads to Kuroo's.
You knock on the door, only for it to be answered by Yumeko.

"Hi how can I help yo-" she says before she gets cut off by you pushing the door open and making your own way inside.

"BABYYY IM HOME!" you shout as you take your shoes off.

Kozume Kenma x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now