First meet

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Naruto's point of view

beep beep beep beep

Is what I heard as I wake up and slam my hand on my alarm clock going off like crazy anyway here's another day of being all alone in this house but hey things don't always go the way you want them to (but for my little sister they do) anyway time to get up and get dressed. I walk to my walk in closet to get my clothes and then head to the bathroom to take a shower.

8 mins later

When I'm done taking a shower I hear a knock on my door so I go answer it to see Neji "Hey Neji what's up"I said as I give Neji a huge even though he hates it when I do that"well you can let me go and Lady Tsunade wants you Naruto" Neji says while walking away "OK I'LL BE THERE" I yell while he continued to walk away. I turn around to grab my shoes and sit down to put them on and head out to the Hoekage's office.

Y/N' S point of view

I was woken up by a ninja throwing a can at me and the little boy I take care of and right before the hoekage showed up and the man ran away like a coward and Lady Tsunade says "Hey are you ok? Come with me to my office young lady and bring that boy with you" while waiting for us to get up and get our bags with very few clothes in them.

At Lady Tsunade's office

As Lady Tsunade sat down in her chair she called Neji in to go get some one while we just stood there waiting for her to do or say something. Now that I think about it this is the first time I ever seen and been in here so- "what is your name young lady" Lady Tsunade says as she leans back in her chair a bit " m-my name is F/N L/N ma'am" you say as you look up at Lady Tsunade " well Y/N you need a place to stay so what I'm going to do is let you stay with someone I know who lives all alone and hates being alone so this a win win situation you get somewhere to live and they get a new roommate/friend"she says as she goes through some papers.

Naruto's point of view

When I make it to Lady Tsunade office I knock on the door and wait until I heard a come in so I opened the door and walked in and I stopped dead in my tracks to see a very very beautiful girl hugging a little boy to her as we make eye contact I feel like 100 butterflies are in my stomach while looking at them

"ah Naruto you made it" Lady Tsunade says breaking our trence "yes I did granny Tsunade did you need me for something?" I said still looking at the beautiful girl. "Yes I would like it if you would let this two stay with you" she says while looking at me "Yes I will never be all alone" I say while jumping up and down " oh and Naruto her name is Y/N" Lady Tsunade says while looking between us "ok, hey Y/N I'm Naruto" I say while reaching my hand out "h-hey N-Naruto"she says while shaking my hand and then letting it go.

"Well let's get home Y/N" I say as I walk out the office "ok  N-Naruto" Y/N says while grabbing her stuff and the little boys hand and started following me out.

At Naruto's house

"Here we are Y/N you and the boy can have the guest bedroom if you want" I say as I head for my room and when I close the door I strip down to my underwear and slide into my bed to go to sleep.

But before I could I feel my bed dip twice and when I open my eyes I see Y/N and the boy in my bed going to sleep so I just leave them to sleep and I close my eyes back and in 30mins I am sleep as well.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter like I enjoyed writing it.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter like I enjoyed writing it

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