Now's The Time!

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"Alright Dipper, you can do this. Just gotta give her this note..No! I can't. She'll never like me back, so it's not worth the embarrasment. But maybe..."
Dipper hadn't realized he was talking out loud. His quirky sister, Mabel, had been listening to him babble and pace back and forth their room for hours.

"Dippin' sauce, listen to me. You have to tell her already! Confessing will make you feel better." She walked over to Dippers side of the room and picked up the folded piece of yellow paper.

"Or i'm giving this to her for you!"

" wouldn't.."

She sighed and folded the paper into an airplane, then aimed it for her brothers forehead. "No, but don't make me change my mind!" The paper airplane hit Dippers forehead, then he quickly extended him arm to catch it. It fell open, and he stared at the words he had written.

He let out a big, anxious sigh. He knew what he had to do, and this time he was gonna stick to a plan. For whatever reason, having a plan to follow always helped him do things. He got a piece of paper and a pen, and began to write.

Step one: Ask Wendy to hang out

Step two: Give her the note

Step three: Marry her

Alright that plan may not be very accurate, but it was enough to send Dipper on his way. He tucked the plan, and the note into his jacket pocket and walked downstairs to the Mystery Shack, where he spotted Soos video chatting Melody. He directed his attention to Wendy and began to walk over.

Just as soon as he got close, Robbie stormed into the shack at right up to Wendy. He slammed his hands down on the counter to get her attention, because as usual she was nose deep in a new magazine. Dipper paused and took a few steps back. "Wendy, listen to me." Wendy acted as if she didn't hear him, and she flipped the page in her magazine. "Grr.." Robbie mummbled under his breath. There were a few minutes of pure silence. "Pff, whatever." He put his sweatshirt hood over his head and pulled the strings, closing it over his face. He walked out, hitting the wall next to the door before he found the door way.

Wendy sighed and flipped the page again.

Dipper wasn't sure if now was such a good time. He went to turn around when he heard someone calling out to him. "Hey doofus, whats up?" Wendy had looked up from her magazine and caught sight of her not-so-secret admierer.

((I'll post the next part when this one hits 30 reads! Please spread the word about this short story please c:))

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