Mental Preparation

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Dipper rolled off of his bed and stood up. He sighed deeply as he trudged into the bathroom. He closed and locked the door behind him. He walked in front of the mirror and stared at himself.

He brushed his teeth while listening to Disco Girl, his favorite song. He had locked the door so there wouldn't be another... 'accident' like that time Grunkle Stan walked in on him singing.

There was a knock on the door, that quickly grew louder and harder.
"Hey, kid! Get out of the bathroom! There's a group of tourists downstairs and I need to look presentable!"

Dipper rinsed his mouth with water and unlocked the door. Stan walked in and right over to the mirror. He began to chuckle, and then bursted out laughing. "Hah! You still listen to this trash, Dipper?"

"It's in the top 40's for a reason! It's catchy!" He quickly shut off the music and stormed out of the bathroom.

He went back into his and Mabel's room and pulled open a drawer. Inside, he found the picture he had of Wendy. He got it through Lee because he knew how much Dipper liked her.
Dipper slid the picture into his pocket and walked back downstairs. He noticed Wendy's friends had come to hang out with her at work again, so he walked out through the back door. He needed to make sure there would be no interruptions once he started practicing for the big moment.

He walked into the woods and took out the picture of Wendy he kept in his pocket. He leaned it against a tree on a branch so it was eye level to him. He kissed the picture on what would be Wendy's cheek, then pulled away. "Wait, I forgot how tall she is.."
He moved it up higher by a little, so he had to look up to see. "That's...more accurate.." He knew she was taller then where he placed the picture, but he couldn't reach any higher. He didn't ever take a minute to consider how ant-like he must be to her.

He took a few small steps back from the tree and took a deep breath.
"Wendy, there's something I've been meaning to.. Ugh no way, that's too straight forward." He began to pace. "Maybe I should try being subtle.."
He was now pacing in circles.

He remembered what Mabel had told him a while ago. To just talk to her like a normal person, and to let things happen naturally. And just as soon as he started pacing, he stopped. He knew this is what he always did. "Alright, this never works.. So I'm gonna try something different this time.." He forgot about the picture of Wendy, and he walked proudly back to the shack.

((I know this part is sort of short, but I'll make up for it in the next part. I wanted to get this part out so i can start working on the next part, so I'm sorry if its not that good. Thanks for reading so far! If you liked it, don't forget to vote for it :3 Also, maybe comment what you think Dippers going to do! ))

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