Puppy Love

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The door to the Mystery Shack swung open, and Dipper walked in. Just as soon as he closed the door behind him, he noticed someone standing at the cash register talking to Wendy. She seemed to be enjoying their conversation...a little too much. Dipper got slightly jealous seeing another, defiantly older then him, guy possibly flirting with her.
He didn't like the idea of anyone else trying to get with her because he was finally ready to come clean about his feelings.
While they talked, Dipper tried to get in closer to listen to what they were saying without getting caught. He walked to a shelf by her desk and starting moving things around.
"Yeah...yeah that's out of, uh, out of order.." He said quietly, seeming like he was mumbling to himself. He could finally hear what they were saying.

"So, I wanted to ask if you'd come with me to my cousins wedding tonight? I can pick you up at six. I have a sweet truck." He smiled and looked at her.

"Sounds fun man! I'd love to!"
She noticed Dipper looking at her out of the corner of his eye, then he quickly looked back to the same shelf he'd been 're arranging' for the past five minutes. He had a awkward frown on his face and he turned to walk away.
"But I.. sorta already have plans with a really sweet guy. Sorry."
"Oh ok, uh, I gotta go.. I'll talk to you later.."
The guy stuck his hands in his hoodie pockets and walked out. Wendy sighed, then smiled at Dipper as he looked back to her.

"I wouldn't leave you hanging, man!"
She left her work station to walk to Dipper. "We're still on for later, right?"

Dipper put his hand in the pocket and felt the note he was planning to give to her for so long. He let out a deep sigh. "I wouldn't miss it. So uh, who was that guy?" He was scared to admit his feelings if she was involved with someone else. Maybe she'd tell him what was going on.

"Oh you mean Mike? He's nothing to worry about. Just a friend from school visiting for the week." She shrugged. "Trust me, he's nothing." She walked back behind the counter and say down, sticking her nose into a magazine.

What did she mean by 'he's nothing to worry about' or 'trust me, he's nothing'? Dipper thought about if for a minute and didn't realize he'd started blushing.

He was interrupted with a loud, girly shriek and fast footsteps.

Mabel flew down the stairs and over to Dipper. "OHH MY GOSH DIP YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS!" Wendy started chucking and Dipper rolled his eyes. "Let me guess.. The new Sev'ral Timez song?"
Mabel shrieked and nodded. "Grenda got us three tickets for their concert tonight! I'm gonna have to take a rain check on hanging out with you two, this is important!"

She ran back up the stairs and from the main floor, Dipper could hear Mabel, Grenda, and Candy all squealing in excitement.

This was good! With Mabel not there, Dipper would be alone with Wendy. He'd be able to tell her.
"So it looks like it just us, huh?"
He smiled shyly and put his hands in his pocket.
Wendy looked up from her magazine. Her face went a little red. "Yeah, looks like it. Can't wait." She smiled and then looked back into her article about OwlTrowel™.

Wendy didn't realize that her cheeks had become slightly rosy. She always found it cute how Dipper had a little crush on her, but she had no idea how hard he fell for her. She never knew what he was planning.

At least not yet.

((Thanks for reading! Hope you guys enjoyed this part :3 I'll be free for most of my day today so I'll probably end up writing for most of it, so expect either another update from this story or a new story. If I was going to start another one, what should it be about? Comment some suggestions :3 ))

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