Too Early

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As the van drove off, Mabel stood there with her mouth hung open.
Dipper got down from the roof and walked down the stairs. His twin sister walked back into the shack and saw him.
Her eyes get wide and she bites the collar of her turtle neck sweater.
Dipper, confused, walks over to her.
"What's up with you? You're acting all..fangirly.."
Mabel shrieked for a few more seconds.
"Broseph, Wendy totally likes you! She said the only reason she wouldn't date you is because we're leaving at the end of the summer."

The smile on Dippers face grew. "She does? Oh my gosh, Mabel, this is amazing!"
He went numb from happiness before he heard the second part of what she said.
-time hop to that night-
The twins laid down in their beds and exchanged good nights as they did every night. Mabel was out quickly, like usual.
Dipper stared at the wall, cuddling his blanket.
"...She likes me too.."


The van of teenagers pulled up to Wendy's house. They waved her goodbye and she knocked on the door. Then she remembered her dad and brothers went away for a few days in a camping trip. She sighed and used her key to unlock the door. She stepped inside, closed and locked the door behind her and right up to her room. She flopped onto her bed, covering her head with her blanket.
" I can't believe I actually told someone.."
She curled up with her blanket and fell asleep.
The next morning, Wendy checked her phone and saw a missed call. It was probably Robbie. He was still trying to get back with her. She wouldn't get back with him, though, especially not now. She chose not to call back, she had to get to work to see Dipper. There was no doubt Mabel told him what she said, and she was terrified. Would dipper act weird around her now? Only one way to find out.

Early in the morning at the mystery shack, Stan was restocking the shelves when Wendy swung the door open. "Mr. Pines, is Dipper..or Mabel here?"
He nodded. "They're asleep, but they're probably gonna be up soon anyways."

She walked past him and silently up the stairs. The door to the twins' room was open, so Wendy walked into the bathroom. They could be just waking up, it's best to leave them alone until they do. She turned on the faucet an washed her face with warm water. She was still so tired.

Dipper heard footsteps coming from outside his room. "..Hello?" He quietly called out.
Wendy stepped out of the bathroom and turned to go down the stairs. Dipper called out again.
"Wendy, is that you?"
"You're awake?" She paused and back tracked to the doorway.
"Well now I am, haha." He sat up in his bed and tried fixing his messy hair with his hands.
"Um, why are you here so early? It's our day off from work, you can sleep later then usual."
"Oh, yeah, I know. It's just I was home alone practically all night and this morning so I wanted to go somewhere."
She held her arm and shrugged.
Dipper looked at her and knew she must have felt super lonely.
"Well, you're always welcome to hang out here."
Wendy yawned and rubbed her eyes. "I'm gonna go sleep on the couch for a little while." She turned to leave when dipper began to speak, but he didn't speak up fast enough.
"W-well if yo-you wanted to you could sleep..uh, in here..on my bed.."
His voice cracked a few times, and she was already walking down the stairs.
"Smooth, Dipper, smooooth."
Mabel said with her eyes closed.
"Mabel! Have you been awake that whole time?"
She just giggled. "I'm going back to bed now."
Dipper lay back onto his pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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