Chapter 3

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Short but simple lol- Evelin 

The next morning Louis was woken up by his phone buzzing on his bedside table. Grumbling, he unlocked it and squinted at the screen.

I am so proud to call you my friend!!

The text message from James Corden was accompanied by a link that Louis tapped on, a grin splitting his face when it directed him to an article with the best headline he had ever seen.


Early morning grogginess forgotten, Louis sat up quickly as he scanned through the article. There wasn't much information listed, just mentioning that a number of celebrities had been confused to find cashew nuts in their pockets at the end of the night, but the photos. The photos. They were everything Louis had been hoping for.

All the pictures were of male artists (none of the women had been wearing anything with pockets for Louis to sneak the nuts into rather than any real gender bias), clutching their award statues and beaming or smoldering seductively at the cameras, and each and every one had a tiny yet distinguishable penis outlined against their leg.

Louis quickly tapped on a few related articles and skimmed through the photos. The flashes from the cameras had made the shapes even more prominent than Louis had expected, and in some of the photos the shape had even been blurred out.

This was it.

This would be his legacy.

He may as well retire from life now, he had reached his crowning achievement.

It felt pretty damn good.

Louis couldn't stop grinning as he pulled up his Twitter feed, already anticipating people falling all over themselves about this.

The first tweet that showed up on his feed however, was one from Harry Styles.

@Harry_Styles Found someone's nuts in my pants. ....

Louis' heart flipped in his ribcage.

Tapping on the link revealed a filtered black and white photo of Harry's hand, the two cock-shaped nuts Louis had slipped into his pocket last night sitting innocently next to each other, dwarfed in the middle of Harry's giant palm.

Holy shit.

Harry Styles was talking about him in the media. Harry Styles. Alright, so it was indirectly about Louis and not exactly mentioning him specifically, and social media probably didn't really count as THE media, but still!

Louis wanted to clutch his phone to his chest like a teenage girl. He didn't really get starstruck about very many people; he had been trailing behind in the shadow of Zayn's spotlight for too long, and had met too many people who had turned out to be twats - but there was something about Harry Styles that made his breath catch and his heart skip a beat.

Plus his hands were huge. Louis stared at the photo for longer than was probably decent. He definitely needed to call Zayn and demand victory celebrations, but first...

First Louis was going to slip into the shower with images of big hands and gorgeous smiles vivid in his mind.

Is this seat taken- lainy122 on Archive of our ownTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon