Chapter 10

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Spontaneous act of sweeping romance in real life apparently came with complications though, and Louis' was shaped like the concierge at Harry's hotel, who was incredibly polite about refusing to let Louis into Harry's room.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr Tomlinson, but the privacy of our clientele is our greatest priority." The lad, whose name badge read 'Charles' in precise capital letters, did actually look genuinely sorry, but that still didn't really help Louis achieve his goal.

"I'm already on the list to go up there!" Louis tried to wheedle. "Like, he's already given me clearance - I just need you to let me in!"

"I'm afraid no one is allowed into a visitor's room while they are absent without their express permission. If you would allow me to call Mr Styles, I'm sure he would give his consent."

"That ruins the whole point of a surprise!" Louis wanted to bang his head against the reception desk. Or someone else's head, maybe. They had been going around in circles like this for nearly half an hour, getting nowhere. Maybe he would have to give in and call Harry after all.

He fiddled with his phone in his pocket. He really wanted to surprise Harry, but wouldn't Louis waiting in his hotel room be better than Louis being spotted by paparazzi in the foyer, even if Harry already knew he was there?

Just as he was about to pull his phone out to call though, he heard a familiar laugh. He turned around in surprise. Sure enough Harry was coming in through the front doors, laughing at the person hanging from his arm. Who happened to be a very famous Victoria's Secret model.

Louis froze, but Harry didn't pause or look in his direction, guiding the woman across the foyer and towards the lifts.

Please don't go up with her, please don't go up with her, please don't go up with her, was all that was repeating over and over in Louis' head as he watched them, but to no avail. Harry stepped into the lift of his motel with a model on his arm despite telling Louis he would be working that night, laughing as the doors closed.

Louis' eyes slipped shut with the doors.

He tried to focus on his breathing; it felt like a lorry had driven through his ribcage, taking out his lungs as it passed through and running over his heart with all sixteen wheels for good measure.

The concierge cleared his throat discretely. "Might I send a message up to Mr Styles' room for you, sir?" he asked when Louis turned around.

"No thanks, Charlie," Louis said after a moment, forcing a smile to his face. "I think he might be...busy."

The pain in his chest felt like someone twisting a knife. Fuck, Louis needed to get out of there before he dissolved into a million pieces.

"Could you please give this to him when he comes down in the morning?"

He handed over the giftbag containing the shirt he had bought for Harry. It seemed silly now, the thought of Harry's face when he saw it.

"Would you like to leave a note?" Charles asked, his eyes kind. On any other day Louis would appreciate the effort the man was making to try and make him feel better, but right now all he could do was simply shake his head and leave.

He didn't remember the drive home, operating on autopilot until he suddenly found himself outside his front door, key in hand but making no move to use it. He unlocked his door and went inside, making his way through his house towards his living room, feeling disjointed from his actions.

For someone who hadn't been in Louis' life very long, Harry was certainly imprinted all over his house. The front hallway was where Louis had stolen a quick kiss and Harry had stolen one right back, the counter in the kitchen where Louis had sat while Harry stood between his legs, the couch where they had cuddled together, trading soft kisses.

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