Chapter 4

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Simple but affective lol this one is quite short aswell 

The second time it happened was a dare.

It was a few weeks later, and Niall was visiting from London. He had a break between filming seasons of his hit cooking show, and proclaimed he missed the both of them too much to spend it without them any longer.

Louis was regaling him with his epic cock nut story, Niall laughing in all the right places because he was awesome like that, when Zayn interrupted to say, "I still don't get the part where security just let you into the building. Like, I can't believe they didn't at least ask to see some I.D or something."

"Please," Louis replied, placing a dramatic hand on his chest as though he were offended. "I blindsided them with my bullshit. The quality of my bullshit is beyond compare, I am the master of bullshit."

"That is very true." Niall tried to keep a straight face next to him, laughing loudly when Louis smacked him on the arm.

"I still don't think-" Zayn began.

"Dare you to do it again," Niall interrupted suddenly.

Louis and Zayn both looked at him. He was staring at Louis in that excited way he had, like Louis could do anything possible, he had only to think of it first.

"Double or nothing!" Niall added, as though that was the deciding factor.

Louis glanced at Zayn, who shrugged.

Well then.


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