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Darryl opened his eyes to a small lake. The water was crystal clear and the sky was a warm blue. Darryl felt the soft grass underneath his fingertips and looked around. He looked into the lake and saw Zak, half-submerged in the calm water. Darryl blushed and turned away as he noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. Standing up, he turned and began to walk off. "Hey, Darryl! Where are you going?"
"To distract myself." He chuckled nervously, "I just remembered, there's something I have to do!" Zak rolled his eyes, "Like what?" Darryl began to sweat and tremble, "U-uhh... I-I,"
"Just get in the water, it's been a few days and I think a bath would do you good." Darryl shook his head, as Zak began to laugh. "Come on! There's nothing wrong with it. I have my shorts on if you don't remember," Darryl sighed, "I guess I don't have a choice."

Darryl waded into the water and stood in the middle of the lake. Looking around, he noticed that Zak was nowhere to be seen. He swallowed the lump in his throat, "gosh darn it, Zak..." just as he was about to call out the tan boys name, someone wrap their arms around him. He felt Zak's head resting on his back. His breathing became quick and quiet as he didn't want to disturb the boy who clung to him. "See, I told you, you're the clingy one," Darryl mumbled, trying to start a normal conversation. Zak gently rubbed his head against Darryls back. "And? You love it." Darryls heart began to beat fast. He then felt Zak's hand slowly move up and rest on his chest. "Darry, why were you so hesitant?" Darryl opened his mouth but no words came out, "Do you not trust me?" Darryl began to feel his hand slowly move downwards, causing him to tense up. "Darryl... you know I love you... right?" He could feel Zak standing up straight. "Darryl..." his lips grazed Darryls neck and he could feel his hot breath against his skin. "Do you love me too?" Zak whispered. Darryl tried to form words but froze when he felt something touch the elastics of his shorts.

Darryl shot up in a cold sweat and was breathing heavily. He clutched his chest, trying to even out his breaths. He looked to his side and saw that Zak was still sleeping comfortably on his backpack. Darryl sat with his knees up against his chest. He felt dirty and desperately wanted to erase that dream from his head. He glanced over to the boy, sleeping peacefully. Darryl shook his head and stood up, walking over to the small fire that was still lit. He threw a few more pieces of wood in it then sat in front of it. Thoughts spiralled around his head, "I left the city because of one problem. I don't want to cause another. We've only just met anyway!" Voices in his head began saying otherwise but he just ignored them. He saw them more like little demons or parasites than supportive voices.


Zak yawned and sat up. He stretched out his arms and waited for his eyesight to adjust. In front of him, he saw a small fire and Darryl. He rubbed his eyes, wondering why Darryl was awake. Zak looked down at his backpack then back at Darryl. Making his final decision, he stood up and walked over to the fire and sat down in front of it, opposite Darryl. "So, what are you doing up this late?" Darryl mumbled something and rubbed the back of his neck, although Zak couldn't hear it. He thought for a second then spoke up. "So... um... why were you running from them?" Darryl began to shudder, "Because... I was considered a criminal, for something I couldn't even control..." He looked over at Zak and saw his sympathetic look. He shook his head and stood up, breaking his and Zak's eye contact. "But I'm not going to give in. I'm going to be myself, no matter how far I have to run. No matter how many people consider me a criminal. I'm not giving in." Zak stood up and walked over to Darryl, "Then we can be criminals together," he stuck out his hand and waited. Darryl took it gladly but then was pulled into a hug. His heartbeat became fast and he began blushing like crazy. Once Zak moved away, he pulled his hoodie over his head, a shadow slightly covering his face.

The two lay back down but Darryl couldn't sleep. He doesn't want to dream about the boy who lay next to him again. He felt incredibly dirty and guilty. His stomach began to churn as the cool air engulfed Darryl and he began to shutter. Sleeping was the last thing he wanted to do but he knew that if he got no sleep then he would have no energy for the next day. He sighed and closed his eyes, ready to face the dreams in his head.

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