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I know that all these trigger warnings might get annoying but this chapter and a few chapters ahead contain major themes of homophobia, conversion therapy and self-hate. If you find any of these triggering then stop reading. There are many more light-hearted skephalo stories on Wattpad (including some of mine ;)

Savana took a peek through the crack of the door and then threw the door open. The two boys stopped and looked up at the woman in front of them. Darryl began stuttering, trying to find words to explain himself. "What the fuck is this?" She growled as she grabbed Alex's arm and threw him off the bed. She stepped towards him with a scowl on her face, "YOU! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" She shouted. Alex looked up at her then at Darryl, the young boy had tears streaming down his face but couldn't even look at the boy on the ground, "you have to leave..." he mumbled. Alex stood up, his expression was a mixture of anger and hurt. He quickly ran to the door and shut it behind himself, leaving Darryl and his mother alone in their house.

She had her arms crossed and looked over at her son. "What were you doing with that boy?"
"We were just... kissing..."
"Just kissing?! It looked a lot more than kissing?"
"He had his hand up your shirt and you have a... A Hickey!?" Darryl wiped his eyes and fiddled with his collar to try and cover the mark. He couldn't look up at his mother out of embarrassment and fear. "Where you planning on sleeping with that boy?"
"Mom! No!" Darryl blushed but quickly shut up when he saw his mother's expression. "Your not supposed to be going out with anyone before matchmaking! And of all people, another boy? What is wrong with you?" Darryl narrowed his eyes, finally feeling the courage to stand up for himself. "Mum! There's nothing wrong with me! I'm gay and that's completely normal!"
"Is that what he told you? Being gay is going against everything we told you! Against your family, against me!"
"No, it's not!"
"Darryl, you don't know what you're saying," Savana's voice had become soft and sharp which scared Darryl. He froze, knowing there's was no way to get out of this. "Darryl, you are ground for a month. You shall never see that boy again, is that understood?" Darryl nodded, his heart ripping into pieces. As his mother walked out the door she looked back at him.


Darryl sat in the lobby with his parents, trying his hardest to hold back his tears. He had begged his parents to not make him go to this cursed building. He looked up at his mother, she was sitting in her seat, acting very calm but he knew that was far from the truth. She had eyes bags which she tried to hide with makeup, her eyes were red and one of her fingers were quickly tapping her leg. He looked up at his father. His arms were crossed and he had a scowl on his face. "This is embarrassing..." he mumbled, Savana looked over to Neil. "Neil...,"
"How am I supposed to tell my boss why I skipped work today? I can't just say the my son is a faggot and we had to take him to therapy," Darryl was stung by that word. Growing up he had heard many people around him used that word when describing others in Fayhaven. He never knew what it meant but then Alex had told him about it, thinking about Alex hurt him even more than the thought of going to therapy. He wanted to see him again.

"Appointment for Darryl Noveschosch!" Called a woman from the front desk. The three stood up, Darryl looked down at the ground as they walked into the small room. A woman was sitting at a desk holding a folder. The room was neat and well kept. Everything was in its place. She gestured to the seats in front of her, "please, take a seat." The three sat in front of her. She had long brown, wavy hair, glasses and a dark blue jacket over a dark blue dress. "Hello, my name is Taylor and I'll be your therapist through this period," she opened the folder and read a little before handing it to the parents, "Is all the information in this correct?" The two scanned over it then nodded, handing the file back to Taylor. She smiled and placed it on the desk, "So, you two are here with Darryl because he's struggling with homosexuality?"
"Yes," sighed Savana. Taylor smiled, "Right then, you two can leave now. As I am now his therapist, I would not want anyone to interfere with my work," she gestured towards the door, "You shall be able to take him back in an hour." The two parents left the room and Darryl was left alone with this stranger.

Taylor looked down at Darryl and studied his expression: red, watery eyes, slight eye bags, pale face. She smiled sympathetically, "If you wish to cry, you may. Tissues are just beside you." Tears immediately started falling from his eyes. "I want to go home, please let me leave," he quietly begged. Taylor's smiled disappeared, "I would like you to tell me the reason why your here,"
"Because... I got... caught kissing a boy..."
"How do you feel about being taken here?"
"Awful! I don't want to be here! They have no right to... to," Darryl burst into muffled sobs and couldn't manage to speak. Taylor took out a notebook and started scribbling down some notes about Darryl and his behaviour as if she was studying a kind of unknown animal. "Darryl, you've been brought here because there's a problem with your brain. You see, when a person goes through puberty, their body will get ready to be able to reproduce with someone of the opposite sex. Some people though, look for someone of the same sex. We can easily fix this with a few therapy sessions. Your parents just sent you here to help you get better! Once we are done here you will be perfect in the eyes of God and your family and you will be fit for matchmaking."

Darryl looked up at Taylor, "A... brain defect?..."
"Yes, but don't worry. You'll be better in no time."

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