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~Time skip of 2 years~

Taylor smiled and signed a document, containing many notes about Darryl. "How fun Darryl! This will be our last session together! Soon, you will go through matchmaking and meet a beautiful girl who will help you create beautiful children," she chuckled and looked down at Darryl, the happy look on her face quickly fading. "What's the matter, big guy? Your not that sad about our separation, are you?" Darryl's face had no emotion on it. He  couldn't decide if he was excited to leave or in shock about what had happened over the last two years. His sessions with Taylor weren't only just therapy. She often helped him with matchmaking classes and education. His eyes locked onto the document in front of him as he read it.

To Mr & Mrs Noveschosch
I am happy to announce that the therapy session taken place on the 14/3/xxxx shall be his last. Before the therapy, Darryl fell into homosexuality as he had been told that it was not a problem and tricked into pleasing his close friend as he had stated that prior to said boy, he had not had many close friends. During this period, he was going through denial and didn't properly know himself. Of course, this is most likely due to the chemicals in his growing brain as the creases become more complex. I am glad to say that he has grown out of this phase and became more mature over the past two years. The medication that I had prescribed to Darryl is no longer needed and should be disposed of properly. If any more problems are found then I recommend just talking with him as his mental health has seemed to decline over these years. Although he has been cured, I shall be prescribing him anti-depressants, the amount in the small container I shall give you should last about a month as that should be the amount of time needed to help him.
Kind regards,
Dr Taylor Koryton

Darryl fought to hold back his tears so that it seemed like he was "better". He had taught himself how to do that, this was the main reason why he was let out, he had become good at pretending. Taylor folded the letter in half and put it in an envelope then placed it back on the desk. Darryl stood up and took the envelope, "Thank you... for everything," he mumbled before walking out.


Darryl placed his backpack in his bed. It had been packed with lots of different supplies and clothing, he had made a plan to leave, this place was like hell. It had been a month since his last therapy session and his parents would constantly make homophobic jokes around him and would make him uncomfortable with their constant talks about matchmaking. He would leave tonight and never come back, he hoped that he would be able to see Alex again but deep down he felt like he was only feeling false hope. He heard a knock on his bedroom door and quickly hid the bag underneath his bed before calling out a quick, "Come in!" His dad walked in and sat down on the bed next to him, "So Darryl, tomorrow will be the big night. We're so proud of how far you've come," Darryl looked down at his feet, "Oh... that... I'm can't wait," he murmured. His father smiled and patted him on the back, "Don't worry. I was nervous too before I met your mother,"
"Yeah..." Darryls father looked down at him then sighed, standing up and walking to the door. "Well... get some rest,  you have a big day tomorrow." He smiled and shut the door behind him. Darryl groaned and collapsed back on his bed, he looked up at the roof as tears stung his eyes. "No! This isn't fair!" He cried. One half of him encouraged the idea of running away whilst the other was filled with guilt. Although it seemed his parents had never excepted him, they still gave him food and shelter and never even threaten to kick him out. He groaned and shut his eyes, deciding that the best way to get his mind of things was to get some sleep. He would be leaving, maybe tomorrow, not tonight.


Darryl's parents had both decided to stay home today so that they could meet their daughter in law when she inevitably arrived. Darryl felt sick, the feeling of guilt and regret filled his stomach as his parents both tried to prep him for tonight. Tonight was the night his new lover would be arriving, shortly after they would both go out to a restaurant of some sort to get to know each other better. That was the worse part. He didn't want to pretend that he was happy to be with her, he knew that would hurt her even more than any kind of rejection. Just as he was about to tell his mother that he wasn't feeling well, she pushed him into a room whilst holding a flat, decorative box.

She handed it to him with an excited smile, "they'll be here in an hour! Start getting ready, this will be the best day of your life!" She exclaimed as she turned to walk out of the room. She shut the door behind her and Darryl stood in his darkroom. He looked down and opened the box, inside was a suit. He took the vest out and examined it before throwing it onto his bed. He quickly changed into jeans and a hoodie then grabbed his backpack. He walked up to his window and opened it, he hesitated then sighed, "It's now or never..."


Savana opened the door to find Maddison with her parents. She was wearing a purple sequin dress and had her brown hair in a wavy half platt. Savana invited her inside as Neil grabbed some drinks. Once Savan was done introducing herself, she walked over to Darryl's room and gently knocked on the door, "Darryl, she's here." Silence. "Darryl?" She peeked through the slight crack in the door. It was dark and there was a cool draft coming from the room. She threw the door open and gasped as she saw the scene that lay in front of her. The window was open, the lights were turned off, his closet doors were wide open and the suit was laying on the bed. Savana began to panic, "Neil!"

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