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Darryl stumbled along the path, following his new friend. Eventually, the two made it to a tunnel. Alex turned around and smiled at Darryl, "Well, this is my hideout! What do you think?" Darryl looked around, "It's... a sewer?"
"Oh don't worry, they don't use these sewers anymore since the new ones were put in." Alex took out a black sharpie and handed it to Darryl, "Right, make a mark. Everyone who has ever been here has made a mark, that's mine over there," Alex said, pointing over to a small doodle of himself. Darryl walked over to the mark and quickly sketched himself next to Alex. He turned around and smiled, Alex smiling back.


Every weekend, the two boys would meet in Fayhaven and walk to the tunnel and hung out for a few hours, sometimes encountering other people. Darryl and Alex were practically best friends until Darryl turned 14.

"Where are you going, hun?" Called his mother from the kitchen as she was cleaning the dishes from breakfast, "To go see Marcus!" Darryl always used his friend Marcus as an excuse and Marcus would always cover for him. Darryl hopped on his bike and rode down the streets to Fayhaven. He turned off the road, onto a dirt path and followed it until he made it to the tunnel. "Darryl! Did you get a bike?"
"Yeah, got it for my birthday on Tuesday,"
"Cool," Alex said, walking over to Darryl to take a look at his bike. "Speaking of birthdays, I got you a gift, it's just over there in the tunnel." Darryl walked over to the tunnel as Alex continued to study the red bike in front of him.

He arrived at the tunnel and saw a box sitting on the cement. He picked it up and opened the lid, revealing a bag. He opened it and inside were three large knives. He picked one up and examined it, "Wow... are these-,"
"Throwing knives, figured you needed a bit more excitement in your life so I got some of those." Darryl held it up to the light and studied the blade and handle, "Thank you so much!"Alex walked over to him and wrapped an arm around the younger boy's shoulder, "Wanna take a photo? For memories?" Darryl nodded and moved in closer to Alex. Alex ruffled his hair and snapped a photo on his Polaroid camera, the photograph slipping out of the camera.


The two boys sat in the tunnel, both of them enjoying bottles of soda. Alex turned to Darryl, "So, got any girls sniffing around?"
"No actually, but it's not that surprising when you remember my side of town does matchmaking,"
"Oh yeah, you won't be able to visit me for a while because you will be at all those classes, right?" Darryl nodded and leaned back against the tunnel wall, "Well have you seen any girls your interested in?
"No..." Darryl's leg started bouncing up and down as he began to grow anxious, "I actually... I don't think I'm into girls..."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah..." Darryl began to blush slightly and turned away from Alex. The older boy smiled put a finger under Darryl's chin, turning his head towards himself. "So... are you... gay?" Darryls eyes stung with tears as he nodded slowly, the older boy smiled and removed his fingers. "Welcome to the club, I'm pansexual." The younger boy blushed and wiped his eyes, "Oh, ok," Alex smiled and ruffled Darryls hair playfully, he then took another sip of his soda.

Darryl sighed and looked up at Alex, "Alex... are you in... a relationship?"
"No... why?"
"I-... um..." The younger boy began to fiddle with his fingers, Alex turned to him and smiled, "Why? Are you in love with me or something?" Darryl blushed and didn't respond, Alex's smile disappeared and he placed a hand on Darryl's cheek, turning the younger boy's head to face him once again, "Darryl..." The younger boy looked up at his friends, his eyes filled with wonder and hope, "Alex-," he was cut off by Alex closing the gap between the two. Darryl melted into the kiss and moved closer to Alex, the two broke apart only to get air. Alex smiled as he saw Darryl turn all red.


The two boys began dating for a few months until Darryl finally invited Alex to his house. "Well, this is my place,"
"Where are your parents?"
"My dad's at work and my mum's having a day out with friends," Alex pushed Darryl up to the closest wall and smirked, "So we have the whole place to ourselves?" The younger boy became flustered and his face turned a deep shade of red, "Yeah, I guess so," he stuttered, Alex moved away from Darryl and began to look around his house. Darryl stood against the wall frozen, they had never done anything, most they had done was make out a few time.

Darryl moved off the wall and walked down the hall when he heard his bed creak, he opened his bedroom door and saw Alex sitting on his bed, "Huh, this is a lot comfier than my bed. A few of my bed springs are broken," Darryl chuckled and shut the door behind himself and sat next to Alex. Alex placed a hand on Darryl's and blushed, "So, what do you want to do?"
"I-I'm not sure..." Darryl chuckled nervously.

The two stared deeply into each other's eyes, "Do you wanna make out?" Alex mumbled. The two moved closer to each other and pressed their lips against each other. The two embraced each other, only pulling away to get some breath, then continuing. Alex flowed his finger through the younger boys hair, Darryl let out a soft whimper as Alex gently tugged on the younger boy's hair. Alex moved his hand under Darryls shirt and placed his hand on his back, Darryl shuddered at the touch of his cold hand.

Savana opened the door in front of her and was surprised that the front door was unlocked, "Darryl hun, are you home?" She asked, she never liked to shout unless she needed to. She decided to go see if he was in his room, "He might be sleeping," she thought, as she walked down the hall. She made it to his room and reached out for the doorknob.

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