Hiding In The Forest

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Ichika POV: 

What am I going to do for food tonight? I'm too tired to hunt and I didn't think to grab any good before I left. Maybe I can grab some from one of those stores I passed by when I was walking here; they look like they have a lot of goodies. 

"Uh, coming to Assiah is harder than I thought." I meant to find somewhere to sleep and some food as soon as I got here but I got sidetracked when I had to inspect a bakery I passed by. It was just so different from anything we have in Gehenna that I couldn't help but go inspect it. But it wasn't worth it anyway; the human who owned that bakery nearly crushed with a box they were carrying and then tripped over me as I was trying to leave. 

And I didn't even get to try those delicious-looking cupcakes. My mouth watered at the thought of being able to eat those small, bite-size cupcakes with beautiful pink frosting on them. They look more delicious than any food I had ever seen in Gehenna. My stomach grumbled at the thought of being able to bite into one of those and made me wonder if it would be possible to sneak back there and steal one. 

No, it would take too long, the sun's already down and I don't have anywhere to sleep yet. I guess I'll have to wait another day. I gingerly stepped over a large root that got in my way and started thinking of some places I could sleep at tonight. I could sleep somewhere here in the forest, but that might attract some lower-level demons and that would be a hassle to deal with. I could keep walking and try to find that building I saw as I walked in here, it looked pretty cozy and like there were a lot of places to hide. 

There was something else about that building, like I've seen it before. Well, I know I couldn't have seen it in person before since I only ever come to Assiah to transport souls and usually I end up in the most deplorable places. Maybe I saw it in a picture. That would make sense; the older kitsune always show us pictures of places in the human world that are dangerous so we know what they look like and can avoid them. 

But where have I seen that building? Maybe it's that cult church where they cut up demons and sacrifice them to their god? Ooh, maybe it's that brothel that- "Shit!" I rubbed the sore spot on my nose where it had hit the tree; I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed it. 

I need to pay more attention to where I'm going. I rubbed my paw against my nose one more time just to make sure there was no blood; nope no blood. "Well, that's good. Getting a bloody nose from running into a tree wouldn't be the best story to tell." I looked around the area I was in so I could avoid any more embarrassing incidents like this. 

The forest around me looks the same as it has the last hour or so, thicks tree for as far as I can see and random wild animals scurrying around. I glance up at the sky, curious as to whether the stories the older kitsune told us are true. They are. 

The dark sky is covered with small twinkling stars that cover the night sky in a soft glow. "They look so different from the ones in Gehenna." In Gehenna, we have stars in our night sky as well too, except they're blood red and lack the comfort that these small stars give me. 

"Maybe Assiah isn't as horrible as everyone says it is." All the older demons and kitsune say that Assiah is filled with sadistic humans that train other humans to kill demons and even worship the killing of us. I believed it when I was little and agreed with all the crap I was told about exorcists and their hatred of demons but after I came to Assiah and really saw what it was like, I couldn't help but disagree with some of that. 

It's true that most humans don't feel too kindly about us and do train exorcists to kill us but not all humans are like that. Some have a deep curiosity about demons and befriend us so they can learn more. Once I saw that the older demons and kitsune had lied to us, I started took more of an interest in Assiah and decided to come here for my Nine-Tail mission. 

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