Meeting The Friend

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Ichika POV: 

I told Rin he should have just done his project with his friend in the library. It would have been a lot less of a hassle than trying to help me crawl out the window as he wanted. But I guess Rin just needs to make things complicated. 

"What the hell is that?" First of all, I take offense at being called a 'that'. I am obviously a demon, so he should have asked, 'Why the hell is there a demon in here?' Secondly, if he can't even tell that I'm a demon just by looking at me, then he's not a very good exorcist. Now back to the teenage drama. 

"Is that a demon?" he asked it like I'm some kind of disease. He looked like he was ready to attack me and repulsed by me at the same time. Guess he has high standards. I puffed out my chest and fixed a dirty look on the so-called exorcist. "I'll have you know that I'm a very high-level kitsune demon. You better show me some respect." 

As soon as I gave him my rank, he recoiled as if I slapped him. "You-you have a kitsune?! What the hell Okumura? Don't you know those things are dangerous?!" He stepped back towards the door but kept his eyes on me, to make sure I wouldn't attack him or whatever crazy thing he thinks I might do. 

I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Rin, probably the only one in here who isn't going to attack someone. "Rin, would you mind telling your friend why I'm here. I would like not to get attacked." I can't help but sound a little bored as I say it; a small and probably weak human like him wouldn't be able to hurt me, so I don't have much to worry about. 

Rin glanced between us, like he can't decide who he should talk to first, but settled his eyes on Bon and started explaining. He pointed to me, like I was some kind of special artifact, and said, "This Ichika, he's a kitsune I found in the woods outside the school." Bon's eyebrows went straight up with Rin's faulty explanation. 

Come on Rin, give a better explanation. I want to come out of here with all my body parts. Bon crossed his arms over his chest and widened his stance, getting ready for a fight, though whether with me or Rin I don't know. "You just found him in the woods? What were you doing out there? Going for a little walk?" His voice drip with disbelief and his expression doesn't help hide his skepticism. 

Ugh, why can't humans just be a little more trusting? It would make keeping secrets so much easier. I took a few steps towards Bon, small bay steps, just to see how much he trusted me. He stepped back immediately and made a move to grab something out of his backpack, no doubt a can of holy water or something similar to that. 

I stepped back a bit so I wouldn't be as easy to douse with the holy water. It wouldn't kill me but it would still hurt like hell. "Maybe," I stepped behind Rin's legs just to give myself a little more protection, "we could talk without holy water or other such weapons." Bon didn't look very pleased with my suggestion and still looked at me like I'm the plague. "Just a thought." 

Rin stepped towards Bon a bit, still looking between him and me like this was Sophie's choice. He reached out his hand to Bon and asked in the kindest voice, though with some sternness, "Can you give me the holy water Bon?" Bon looked down at his hand, stuffed inside his backpack and no doubt clutching a canister of holy water, and glanced at Rin. 

He obviously trusted Rin, he didn't seem to feel threatened by him even though he's a demon just like me, but he definitely didn't trust me. Oh, I wonder why. Bon held Rin's gaze for a few more seconds before, reluctantly, handing him the canister of holy water he was clutching. He also handed Rin two more. 

Maybe he is a good exorcist. He's prepared at least. I didn't step out from behind Rin's legs until he set the holy water canisters on his bed and out of Bon's reach. There's no way I'm going to let myself get hurt just because of a little holy water. Bon didn't look very happy when Rin took away his holy water but he had the brains not to complain and stood silently while Rin checked his backpack for any more anti-demon weapons. 

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