Bringing Home A New Friend

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Rin POV: 

I watched Ichika as he walked around my dorm, inspecting everything. He seemed pretty curious about stuff here; while we were walking here, he kept asking me stuff about Assiah. He must not come here very often.  I let him explore for a little bit longer then I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. 

He turned to look at me with the cupcake I was saving for tomorrow in his mouth. "Hey!" I lunged over to grab it but Ichika tipped his head back and swallowed it whole. He licked some of the frosting off his nose and then stared at me blankly, completely guiltless. I glared at him but sat back down on my bed, there's no reason to fight with him over a cupcake. 

"That was a good cupcake. Why did you just have it lying around?" 

"I was saving it for tomorrow." 

Ichika cocked his head to the side and looked at me like he was trying to figure out a puzzle. "Why would you save it for later when you can eat it now? If you can eat something now you should." 

"It was my only cupcake and I wanted to eat it during the test tomorrow." Ichika gave me another confused look and asked, "What's your test for?" 

"Types of demons. I'm training to be an exorcist," I said proudly and lifted up my chin, and pushed back my shoulders to show my confidence. Ichika gave me an amused smile and commented playfully, "A child of Satan training to be an exorcist? I never heard of such a thing." 

"Yeah, I'm going to beat the shit out of Satan!" I pretended to punch someone in front of me and smiled from ear to ear. Telling someone about my goal to beat Satan without having to worry about them laughing at me made my entire chest burst with pride. I mean it's just a guess that Ichika won't laugh at me but he seems so polite that he probably won't. 

"That's a good goal. I hope you achieve it." His voice was soft and he rolled onto his side, showing me his belly. He looks kind of chubby but it justs adds to his cute appearance. His eyelids started drooping and the rise and fall of his chest started to slow down. 

I stood up from my bed and walked over to him; I tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "Do you want to go to sleep?" Ichika had his eyes closed but nodded and started snuggling into Yukio's bed. Uh, hopefully, Yukio doesn't notice the fur on his bed. I looked at Ichika and tried to figure out how I would move him to my bed. His body's the size of a normal-sized dog's but his tails are going to be difficult since they're so big and fluffy. 

I knelt down and slid my arms under him carefully; it woke him up and he opened his eyes slightly to look at me. "What're you doing?" His words are slurred a little from being only half awake and it makes him look kind of cute. If he has a human form or something like that, it might look pretty cute too. 

Ichika blinked at me a couple of times before closing his eyes again and resting his head against my sternum. His breath feels cold on my chest, not warm like it's supposed to be. I watch him sleep for a little bit longer out of curiosity and fascination. I've never been this close to someone this pretty, even if he's in a fox form. 

Quick staring at him you pervert. I shake my head to break myself out of my daze and awkwardly walk over to my bed and try to figure out how to set Ichika down onto it. Getting him into my arms was easy but setting him down on my bed will probably be harder because of all his tails. Maybe I can just lay all of his tails out and then put him down? Would that work?

I have no idea if this will work but I decide to go with it since I don't know what else to do and since Ichika just needs to get on the bed. As gently as I can, I set Ichika down on my bed and straighten out all his tails so they're laying parallel to him. I don't know if he'll find this comfortable but it just helps keep his tails from getting in the way. 

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