An Unlikely Spark

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Bon POV: 

Damn this Okumura! First, he invites me over to his dorm to work on the project, and then he keeps giving these cute looks the whole way there! I don't know if I'm going to survive this. All I want is to push him up against a wall and kiss him until he turns red.

God, why am I so damn horny? If this keeps up I'm not sure I'll be able to work on the project with Rin. It's going to be hard if I have to keep worrying that I might stick my tongue down his throat. "God, Rin, why do you have to be so cute?" Shit, did I say that out loud? I glance over at Rin to see if he heard me. I'm praying to God he didn't.

"Did you call me cute?" Fuck, he heard me. Think of something to say, anything just so I won't have to spill my heart out to him in the middle of the hallway. "Oh. I was, I was just saying how you've been mute the whole time we've been walking." 

Rin obviously doesn't believe me but, thank God, doesn't push it. He popping his knuckles again and, for the first time in a while, starts babbling to me. It's mostly about the project but I don't pay super close attention. 

I spend more time watching Rin as he starts really excitedly talking about how he found these old textbooks on the evolution of exorcist theories. It's been months since I've seen him this happy and, probably the first time ever, that he's seemed so comfortable around me. 

It honestly feels amazing to see him like this but it just reminds me of how horrible I was to him. All I want to do is to make up to him and finally be able to tell him how I feel. Make him be happy again. 

"You okay Bon?" Rin stopped his babbling, in the middle of a sentence about demons or something, and laid a hand on my arm. I focused more on Rin's hand being on my arm, the first time I've gotten to be close to him without fighting him, and not so much what he was saying. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine." Rin cocks an eyebrow at me and pulls me back when I start to walk away, surprisingly stronger than I thought he was. Well, he's a demon you idiot, of course he's going to be strong. 

"Bon what's up with you? You've been acting weird this whole time?" 

Dammit, what should I say? I probably shouldn't tell him that I want to shove him up against a wall, that definitely wouldn't go over well. "Oh, I just ate something weird earlier." God that's a dumb excuse. 

Rin thought so too apparently. "Just tell me what's going on with you, I want us to be friends again!" That just snapped something in me. I've spent all this time wanting to be close with Rin, be something with him, and he doesn't do shit. And now he's getting mad at me for pushing him away? 

"You don't think I want to be close to you too, Okumura?!" That shocked him. He's so used to me being an asshole to him that I don't think I even liked him. Well, it's a lot more than that Okumura. 

"You want to be close to me?" Rin said it like it was the most unbelievable thing in the world. I mean, I don't blame him but he could at least sound like he has some expectations of me. "Yes, dammit. I've been trying to be close to you for months and you kept pushing me away," I admit finally. 

I run a hand through my hair and sigh as I feel a weight lifted off my chest. I've been wanting to tell Rin that, among other things, for months now and finally I got to tell the idiot. Rin on the other hand looked like he couldn't believe what I just told him. 

"I just, I didn't know." He looked up at me with the guiltiest eyes I've ever seen, wide and almost like puppy eyes. They melt my heart and make it ache at the same time. They make my cheeks heat because they're just so damn cute but they just remind me of all the shit Rin's been through. I mean, he's been bullied by all of us and has to push us away so he doesn't get hurt, and now he feels guilty about it. 

"So Bon, you want to head to my dorm now?" Shit, how had I been staring at him? I nodded to him, since I'm probably too flustered to speak, and trailed behind while we walked to his dorm. Uh dammit, you need to pay more attention when you're staring at him like that.

That's not the only thing I need to do when it comes to Rin but it's definitely the easiest. Dammit Rin, why do you have to do this to me? 

Time-skip (7 minutes): 

Rin makes me wait outside his dorm while he gets it ready or something. Maybe he has some porno mags in there. What, no way Rin would have porno mags. He may like to check girls out but he's definitely not that perverted. 

Girls. I don't even know if Rin is straight or not. I never asked him while we were friends and it'd be pretty damn awkward to ask him now. Am I really ready to confess to him? I've been asking myself that for so long since I figured out that I liked him and I still don't know. 

"God, I'm so unprepared for this," I mumbled to myself. I hung my head down on my breastbone and sigh. I have absolutely no idea how to do this but I'm still trying to go into this blind. God, I can be an idiot. I start laughing to myself as I look back on my haphazard plan to confess to Rin. 

"Fuck, I really should have thought this through more." I'm definitely going to have to put off my dramatic confession to Rin for another time. Well, at least now I'll be able to save this chance to possibly embarrass myself for another time. But I would have liked to get this off my chest and finally get to kiss Rin, even if he rejects me. 

Speaking of Rin, why the hell is he taking so long? I doubt he has that much crap to clean up. I walk over to the door and wait a few seconds just to give Rin a little extra time to clean up whatever porno magazines he has to hide. I knock on the door after the few seconds are up and ask, "Hey, Okumura, you ready yet?" 

I hear him shuffle around a bit and someone talking. I press my ear against the door to try to make it out. It doesn't help, all I hear is some muffled whispering and Rin, I think, telling the other person something about.. biting? No, that can't be it. 

"Come on, just move a little closer to the door." I press myself against the door as much as I can so I can hear them better. I still can't hear very much but it's a bit better than before. "Chibi you need to go. My.. here. I really.. you'll just have to wait." What the hell does that mean? 

Should I go in there? I knock on the door again but don't get a reply from Rin. "Shit, is he in trouble or something?" It doesn't sound like he is but he's acting damn weird. Yeah, I should go in. Can't let the idiot get himself hurt again. 

I push open the door open and look into the room. "What the hell is that?" 

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