Homework And A Small Confession

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Rin POV: 

I angrily tap my pencil against my notebook while I try to think of what to write. Me and Bon split the assignment in half and I ended up getting most of the writing stuff. And most of its just useless crap someone could look up in a book! Ugh, I hate this fucking assignment. I look at the assignment directions again, just to make sure that I'm reading them right. I'm supposed to write a whole page for each of the different eras of exorcism and then put that info onto a slide or something. 

This assignment is straight out of hell, I swear. So far I've managed to get five pages out of the twenty or so that I need to do done but I doubt I'll be able to do much more. Just to get these five done, I had to spend an hour looking through every textbook me and Yukio own and even had to Google some info that I couldn't find. I felt like my head was going to explode from all that info. And I even have to put all of this onto a slide; like if Yukio wanted this info on a slide then why is he having us write it down?! Just to put us through hell?

"Sigh. I'm never going to be able to finish this assignment," I groan hopelessly as I slump my head against my notebook. I hear Ichika giggle behind me, taking pleasure in my pain like usual. I roll my eyes at him and go back to thinking of what to do to get all this work done. I could ask Bon for help since he seems to have this project down to a science. He's actually already finished his part and is sitting on Yukio's bed playing on his phone. Ugh, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to ask him for help. He doesn't seem to be in a good mood; he hasn't said anything to me or Ichika the whole time we've been working.

Guess I'll just have to do this myself. Ugh. I lift my head off my notebook and start looking for my pencil; I was sure that I set it next to my notebook but maybe it rolled off. "Are you looking for this?" I nearly jumped out of my skin as Ichika held my pencil out for me while sitting right next to me. I grab my pencil from him and then ask him, "Where the hell did you come from?" He's done this before but I swear that he finds a way to scare me more every time. 

Ichika smiled like he just won a prize, which he did technically considering how much he likes scaring me. "I just came over to see what you're doing," Ichika replied while acting all innocent. I rolled my eyes at him again; he obviously wanted to scare and now he's trying to get on my good side. He's such a little troublemaker.

Ichika giggled again and then grabbed my hand and pressed it against his cheek. "I'm sorry for being mean." He gave me a sad face that almost melted my heart; his bottom lip sticking out and his eyes fluttering and wide. He looks so hot. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest as I tried to take in my hand being pressed against his cold, soft cheek, his adorable puppy eyes, and, oh, his pajamas.

He changed into his pajamas earlier but I didn't really see them since he wrapped himself in one of my blankets immediately after he changed. He then spent the entire time since then wrapped up in the blanket like a burrito reading 'Pride and Prejudice' on my bed. Though I can get why he wrapped himself up now that I can see his pajamas. His tank top is tight and comes up over his belly button, exposing his cute little stomach and his shorts are equally tight and emphasize certain parts.

My tail starts thumping against the floor, always a traitor to what I'm thinking. Ichika smirked at me but didn't say anything about my tail or my staring and snuggled against my side, his face and ears looking ready to steam from how red they are. I wrapped my arm around him and asked him, out of curiosity and definitely not checking him out,  "You've always had those shorts?" I don't think I've ever seen them on him, I mean I probably would have remembered. 

Ichika ran a hand over his shorts and replied, his face getting a little redder, "I just got them a little bit ago. They're the only pajamas I have that aren't in the wash. Now, why don't help you with your writing." It's cute when he changes the subject like that. I smirk a bit and lift my arm off his shoulder, which just seemed to embarrass him more since now he doesn't have anything to hide his tank top. He's so cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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