Chapter 2 ~ Stefan Salvatore

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The moment we walk in the doors, I know something's off, but for Elena's sake, I don't say anything. The three of us were Mystic Falls High's golden trio. Because we were always together, people tended to call us BEA; Bonnie, Elena, Amber. We're all standing at Elena's locker when someone squeals, "Oh my god! BEA!!" We all turn to see Caroline Forbes walking over.

"Omg, you guys! It's so good to see you!" she gushes, hugging each of us. She then turns to Bonnie, "How are Elena and Amber? Are they ok?" 

We all look at each other. 

"We're right here Caroline." Elena replies, a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

I give her a look before turning my focus back to Caroline, giving her a kind smile.

"And we're fine. Much better," I say.


"Oh of course you are!" Caroline says, hugging Elena and then me.

"Ok, I'll see you guys in class!" she says, "And Amber, don't forget cheer practice starts tomorrow! We need to go over the routines for this year!"

After giving each of us another hug, she walks away. The three of us stand in silence before Bonnie turns to Elena and I, humor coloring her features.

"No comment," Elena says, laughing slightly.

"Oh come on," I say, "She's worried about us, it's nice to know she cares."

"Yeah, you're right," says Elena.

"I know," I say cheerfully, causing the girls to laugh.

We grab our books from our lockers and make our way to our first class. Bonnie halts as we pass the office saying, "Hold on, who is this?"

Elena and I stop, to look, and I immediately feel uncomfortable, but I have no idea why. 

"All I see is back," Elena replies.

"It's a hot back," says Bonnie, causing Elena and I to laugh.

"I'm sensing Seattle," she continues, "and he plays the guitar."

"You're really going to run this psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena says.

"Pretty much"

Then we hear someone shout, "Good batch Jeremy!" and turn to see Jeremy Gilbert, Elena's little brother enter the boy's bathroom.

Looking pretty mad, Elena says, "Be right back," and stalks off towards the boy's bathroom.

Bonnie and I turn back to the boy in the office.

"Please be hot, please be hot," Bonnie whispers.

The boy turns around, and I freeze.

"No. No no no no no. He can't be here," I think.

And as he leaves the office, he doesn't even look my way. He doesn't even recognize me. I stand there in shock. 

"He's the reason I'm dead," I think,"No. No, he's the one who killed me."

My eyes trail after the boy I thought would never see again. The boy who I'd tried so desperately to forget but never could. Though it may seem like it, I'm not scared of him. But seeing him again makes the memories of that night come flooding back in full force. 

As I watch him walk away, I can't help but think,

Stefan Salvatore, what the hell are you doing here?


Sorry for the short chapter :/

And yes, I did get the BEA idea from Ginny and Georgia 😂

Edited, 505 words

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