Why would you do something so selfish

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Y/n POV [dawn winery]

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[dawn winery]

'Diluc has been away from awhile' While
Wiping the cups clean.

I looked through window seeing as its pouring down hard.

I stopped what i waa doing and decided to wait till morning.

I sat on my bed as i was about to fall asleep i prayed

'please barbatos sama please keep diluc safe' i prayed to the anemo archon.

Hoping to see diluc in another day.


The Next Morning

knock on the door was heard as i opened the door i saw kaeya diluc's step brother.

"Kaeya san?" I saw him looking down the floor as he was affected by the down pour outside.

It's was to early to say its morning the sun has yet to come but i prepared a towel to give to kaeya and some clothes that diluc owns.

"Kaeya san what's so urgent that you had to come here at 4 Am in the morning" i asked as i put the towel on his head.

"You should dry off first or you'll get sick"
I requested him to.

"Y/n..." Kaeya said looking down the floor.

"Hm?" I hummed back to him.

"Im sorry.." he grab my wrist as if he did something wrong like a child.

"What's wrong kaeya?" I asked worriedly.

Something about my gut feeling is telling me that the news that kaeya is telling me is something that would impact my life straight down.

"Y/n... I couldn't protect him at all..." Kaeya said
With his husky voice ready to break down "i was too late... i wasn't their on time.." kaeya said has he hang his head low while tears streaming down his face.

Made me realize what he was talking about.

"What do you mean kaeya san? Diluc said he'll be back" looking at kaeya as i knitted my eyebrows not wanting to believe my own thoughts.

"He's dead" kaeya brought up the news.

"W-wait who's dead?." I asked worriedly hoping even if its a little hope that it wasn't my dear diluc.

"Diluc is dead" kaeya gather his hands together still looking down the floor.

"h-huh?" I stuttered i suddenly felt tears streaming down my face.

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