a new beginning takes part

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Third person POV

"L/n san wake up its afterschool already"

A person spoke as they tried to wake up y/n.

"Please wake up i don't wanna tutor nishinoya and tanaka by myself" a tone of desperation is heard.

Yawn y/n  peaked on her shoulder seeing ennoshita shaking her up.

"Hai hai ill follow you there" y/n slowly said as she stood up while grabbing her bag.

"Im sorry i just dont wanna tutor 2 idiots" ennoshita spoke "i might lose brain cells if i were alone" as they walks through the halls.

"I shouldn't have agreed to be a manager" y/n suddenly claimed as she stretches her hands out carefully so she wouldn't hit someone accidentally.

"C'mon you used to play volleyball right?"
Ennoshita said as he was trying to make a topic to stop the uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah i didn't know manager was a thing"y/n said will trying to blink her sleepiness away.

"Can i guess what made you so tired?" Ennoshita brought a topic that made y/n interested with small talk.

"Yeah what is it then" y/n claimed as she smiles sly will going a lil forward to be infront of ennoshita.

"Obviously it's that dream of yours that your already writing a novel" ennoshita snaps his pointing at her.

chucked was heard as she walks faster leaving
Ennoshita "yup its still the couple im seeing in my dreams vividly" y/n laugh covering her mouth with her hands.

"Their love story ended so pity fully yet started so sweetly" y/n eyes dropped a bit just by thinking about it.

"Im kind of surprised you didnt join a club thats related to writing" ennoshita said surprised.

"Please it's a dream idiot I didn't think about it" y/n claimed as looks at the window seeing people doing ther clubs.

"We're gonna be late" suddenly said that made ennoshita walk faster.

( ◜‿◝ )♡( ◜‿◝ )♡( ◜‿◝ )♡( ◜‿◝ )♡( ◜‿◝ )♡

"You guys are late" daichi said as he witnessed y/n and ennoshita just came in already changed.

"Haha sorry daichi it was my fault" y/n held her arm out as giving up on giving reasons why they were late.

"Lemme guess it's ennoshita woke you up cause you were sleeping" nishinoya chime in.

"Haha thats correct i was up late because of a dream again" y/n said as she rubs her neck with her hands.

"Aren't dreams supposed to appear when your sleep" tsukishima remark.

"That's cute tsukishima but you know me,i like putting what i dreamed about in my dream journal so i wouldn't forget" y/n said excitedly putting her hands at her face as shown for excitement.

"Yes yes we know now tell us that later were gonna practice now" daichi chimed in as he pushes both hes teammates towards the court.

Y/n slides towards kiyoko and a blonde little first year.

"Hello nice to meet you im l/n y/n im also new to the position of manager" y/n introduce herself to the first year trying to make a good impression.

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