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(TW; blood, gore, torture this chapter will be in Inosuke's perspective.)

Inosuke jolted awake when he felt his head hit a jagged rock and drag a deep gash down the center of his back. He mumbled out incoherent words in his disoriented state. The world was hazy through his eyes as he began to drift back to the real world from his sleeping state. He felt cold metal against click around his neck it began to sting like a bad burn after just a few moments. He fixed his gaze up at Kaigaku wincing and groaning in pain "W-what I-is this!" he managed to stutter out. Kaigaku laughed and looked around at what seemed to be thousands of other people, but they weren't just people they all had a pale complexion and eyes that were either an amber color or Bight yellow. when they laughed along with Kaigaku their canines sharpened to a point. They weren't people they were of the yellow-haired man's kind, they were vampires. Vampires this was what Zenitzu was someone he believed to be so kind someone he had grown to love beyond just platonically. Kaigaku turned to the other vampires who crowded around him "this mutt is so stupid he doesn't even know the harm silver can do his kind" he laughed hysterically. Inosuke lifted his hand to the silver collar around his neck touching it lightly, it singed his skin away almost instantaneously with the contact witch made him yelp in pain. It was at that moment he realized these were the creatures who massacred his family when he was no more than three years old. These were the creatures who left him with no family. This was what Zenitsu was nothing but a bloodsucking murderer. Tears streamed down his face as the creatures surrounding him taunted him every move mocking him and laughing like he was some sort of freak. but everything seemed to go quiet when Kaigaku was presented with a sword. The swords side ran effortlessly along Inosukes side as that same burning feeling of silver causing him to writhe and wail in pain. Inosuke watched helplessly as the blade was plunged into his back all the way through to his abdomen then quickly removed. He screamed in pain as he watched the vampires file away in one big group.

Inosuke lied there for hours waiting for the only thing he could imagine was going to happen to him. The blood poured over Inosuke like a sick crimson blanket, the only blanket that wasn't safe. A blanket only for death. Inosuke lied there his breath getting slower every moment every memory of his life flashing before his clouding ugly eyes, that he once viewed as beautiful. But alas his eyes were nothing more than a hideous reminder of the everlasting feud between vampires and werewolves, that he never got the pleasure of being taught. He had cried so much before now. Now he felt nothing but hatred, hatred for the blonde boy who had rescued him but only had put him In more danger. Why would he do that, such a cruel thing, why save someone if you knew you were only putting them in more danger it made no sense. As the green-eyed boy's eyes clouded over, all light disappearing from view gentle hands clasped his face. A beautiful young woman pulling Inosuke into her chest humming a faintly familiar tune. Her voice was soft like silk her whole body giving off a gentle white light. Inosuke weakly sputtered "Mama?". The woman stroked his hair holding him against her chest that angelic voice confirming he was gone. "My beautiful Inosuke...My son".

Primal Instincts (werewolf Inosuke x vampire ZenitzuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon