chapter one

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The kingdom of Kogarashi had not known this type of hardship for a considerable amount of time. They were used to the cold climate of the mountains, finding ingenious ways to cultivate food and a sturdy people for generations now. Mother Nature was a force they reckoned with often.

But not the Tatsu Clan.

"Sire," sputtered the messenger, eyes wide from the hell he'd espied mere moments ago, "they won't change their minds—they remain intransigent on our surrender or something of worthy trade!" He trembled beneath the towering thrones of the royalty, focus jumping from one to the other for an input.

"What have I to give these savages?" the King bellowed, voice loud but racked with fatigue. "They've overwhelmed us with their strength and numbers and seized our rations for the upcoming winter... If we don't lay down our weapons, we shall fight to the death or starve."

Next to him, the Queen's expression crumbled as she whispered, urgently, "Shall we take the children and run?"

"If they catch us, we'll be killed," he muttered, eyes lowering to the floor at his feet. At the feeling of his wife's soft touch against his forearm, his hand curled into a fist as he struck the armrest of his throne. "God dammit, curse these monsters!"

His voice rebounded around the courtroom, cruel and mocking as it faded, escaping to somewhere they couldn't.

As the yell died away, a commotion grew beyond the wooden doors leading into their occupied space. Warnings bled from behind the barrier and the messenger dropped to his knees as he recognized the tone. He had hoped to never again see the eyes of that demon. Now it was nothing but an empty dream.

The King rose from his throne at the prospect of an encounter, lifting his hand back towards his wife as she began to stand with him. Staying seated, she watched, both of their gazes centered on the bolted doors as the iron of swords and shields clanged just passed it.

The war had breached the final safety of the castle.

In a fit of flames and thunder, the doors splintered apart and smoke filled the room in a dense fog. The King held fast as the familiar pattern of marching feet sounded, shadows falling into the once safe space with deadly precision.

When the fumes cleared, the Queen felt her heart seize at the blood trailing into the room, brought on by the horror of the Tatsu. She grabbed her lover's hand, praying they'd spare them and those shut away far below. She couldn't bear the thought of losing any of them, most of all her children.

"You fuckers have tested my patience long enough!" roared someone from within the sea of crimson covered warriors.

"You've left me no choice, tyrant!" spat the King as he scanned their stern faces. Not one seemed out of place, all perfectly resolute in their posture and guard. "Reveal yourself and be done with it! Stake a claim!"

" Hah?" The inquiry was issued from a fanged maw, a body of pure muscle lowering as he sheathed his sullied weapon. At the soft shing of his blade being slid away, the red sea of soldiers parted leaving him to plod down the makeshift aisle, eyes ablaze with a righteous fury.

"You blind or something, you old prick? I staked my claim the moment your puny walls were burned to the ground!"

At the sight of star-kissed hair and a thick furred collar, the King resigned himself to the fall of the Kogarashi. Of all the tales ever told, not one ruler in all the country had won against the chaos that was the Dragon King, Bakugou Katsuki. He was as fierce as he was savage, his clan wide and renowned. Not a soul wished to fall on his bad side, nor on the front end of his horrid battalion.

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